We have the winning ticket (2025)

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We have the winning ticket (1)

Kamala Harris has hit all the right notes, and we’ve got some lightning in a bottle! But the Harris/Walz ticket is far from a sure bet. They haveexpanded the map of winnable states,and this weekend a new high-quality poll showed themahead in key battlegrounds: Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.But the election is still a toss-up. A recentNY Timespodcastexplored why: undecided and low-information voters in Wisconsin told reporters that they’re ready to be done with Trump. Most seemed more inclined toward Democratic Party policies. Most said ugly partisanship was their biggest concern. But they were not yet familiar with Harris, and not ready to express support for her. It takes time and effort to change people’s minds.

That’s where we come in. Harris is unafraid to make unconventional decisions, and she has a BOLD strategy for winning.We should all adopt it. Infrequent and low-information voters, like those in the podcast, are going to decide this election. It’s our job to reach them. Harris has upped her game and made it much, much easier for us to move those voters over to the Democratic side. We should up our game too.

So, if you have been writing postcards to swing states, be BOLD and start texting. If you’ve been phone banking to Michigan or Wisconsin, be BOLD and sign up for some canvassing. You can be sure that Harris and Walz are going way beyond their comfort zones. Make them your role model. Go beyond yours. You can do it! Indivisible Chicago has made it simple.

We have the winning ticket (2)

Pure Michigan for Elissa Slotkin

Michigan, home of the US auto industry and the resurgent United Auto Workers union, is simply a must-win for the Harris campaign. In a brief moment of clarity a few months ago, Trump observed, “If we win Michigan, we’re going to win the election.” Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen.

The state’s open-seat Senate race is equally important. A win for Elissa Slotkin will help secure a Democratic majority in the upper house. She faces a well-funded former Trump critic who has gargled the kool-aid and become a full blown MAGA-man – election denier, anti-abortion extremist, and, actually, a Florida resident.Indivisible Chicago is already managing a tsunami of volunteers committed to helping our neighbors to the east. Thirty-eight of us knocked more than 1,300 doors in St. Joseph last weekend. And, with another Chicago-based group canvassing in New Buffalo, we talked to 500 voters. Our canvassing partner, State Rep. Joey Andrews, has told us he expects about 50,000 votes to be cast in his legislative district. So that means we talked with one percent of his electorate in a single day! We’re headed back for anothercanvass on Sunday, August 18, and we’re hoping to beat that record. If you haven’t signed up yet, come join us. We provide training and materials, a ride in a carpool, and we pair you with a veteran canvassing partner who can show you the ropes. Joey’s campaign has even started feeding us.

Midwestern Nice!
Sign up here to canvass in Michigan Sunday August 18
You can get in the game without getting into a car, though. Michigan Monday phone bankers are burning up the phone lines, logging 17,000 dials and talking with hundreds more voters across the state. We’re back every Monday from 3:00-5:00 p.m. until November 4. We meet on Zoom for a briefing and instructions on using the auto dialer, which keeps us talking to voters instead of listening to the phone ring.
Sign up here for Michigan Monday phone banks
Our texting team is adding Monday morning sessions, starting August 26, to their regular Thursday evenings, which have been filling up fast. They have already blown through 500,000 texts sent. Join them!
Learn more and sign up for Monday and Thursday text banks

Wonderful Wisconsin

Anything you can do in Michigan, you can do in Wisconsin as well. So don’t hesitate. Want to phone bank? We call Wisconsin voters every Wednesday from 6 to 8. The next phone bank is on the 14th.

Sign up here for Wisconsin Wednesday phone banks

We have the winning ticket (3)

Wisconsin canvasses focus on the Southeast corner of the state – Kenosha, Racine andMilwaukee – where there are thousands of undecided and/or infrequent voters waiting to hear from us. The next canvas will be on Saturday, August 24, in partnership with our friends at Swing Left.

Sign up here for our August 24 canvass in Wisconsin

TheMilwaukee Voter Projecthas registered more than 11,000 voters. Working with Indivisible Evanston, they will train you on Zoom and provide opportunities to register voters in Wisconsin’s biggest sweet spot: Milwaukee. Interested?Send an email toinfo@milwaukeevoterproject.org.

But Wait, There’s More

Did somebody saypostcards? Our regular postcard parties at Gideon Welles have been overflowing the bar — there simply aren’t enough places to sit. Late arrivals have been taking their cards across the street to the park, the library, or home to write them. So we’ve scheduled new sessions in Lakeview, Uptown, and Forest Park — you canfind all our postcard parties here.

You haven’t forgotten that theDemocratic National Conventionis coming to town, have you? Join Indivisible Downtown Chicago for a Convention Watch Party on Wednesday, August 21, 6:30 – 9. Meet at Half Sour (755 S. Clark) and cheer along with the delegates on the big TV in Bar 2. Write some postcards while you’re there. Please bring friends and order dinner to support Half Sour’s generosity.RSVP hereto help with the official count.

All these actions and more can be found in theIndivisible Chicago Action Calendar. Check it out!

Before you go . . .

Are you receiving our Daily Actions? Do we know which states and activities you’re most interested in? Make sure you’re getting the scoop on ALL our campaign activities. Pleasecheck in here and update your preferences.

The internet is not free! Neither are software, printing, or lavish expense- account dinners. JUST KIDDING about the dinners. But if you can help with our expenses, pleasedonate a few dollars. Thank you!

Indivisible Chicago
Chicago, IL 60606
United States

Visit usatbluebeginning.org. Email us atbluebeginning2017@gmail.com. Check in with ourFacebook groupfor news, events, and action opportunities posted by our members.

DemCast is an advocacy-based501(c)4nonprofit. We have made the decision to build a media site free of outside influence. There are no ads. We do not get paid for clicks. If you appreciate our content, please consider a small monthly donation.

We have the winning ticket (2025)


Is it better to use the same numbers on lottery? ›

Repeat the same numbers or pick new ones each time? There's no science to the lottery, so go ahead and pick your favorite numbers, Kapoor said. Nothing in the past or future affects each individual lottery drawing, what is known in mathematics as an “independent event.” Every time, you start afresh.

Is there a strategy to winning the lottery? ›

“The only way to really increase the odds of winning any lottery is to buy more tickets. The more tickets you buy, the more chances you have to win,” Kapoor said. “I've seen it all and those tips are usually technically true but useless, or are just not true,” said Lesser, who maintains a website on lottery literacy.

What are the odds of winning the lottery in your lifetime? ›

But actually bringing home the big check in any lottery is next to impossible. The odds are about one in 300 million. Yeah, it's a longshot. But according to Math Professor Tim Chartier, there are some small actions that tip those long odds (slightly) in your favor.

What are the odds of winning the lottery if you buy 100 tickets? ›

Buying 100 tickets would cut your odds from 1 in 302.6 million to roughly 1 in 3.026 million. If you want to purchase nearly every possible number combination, that would set you back about $600 million.

Do quick picks ever win the lottery? ›

Chances of winning the lotto between playing quick picks or selecting your own numbers are both equal. “Around 70 to 80 percent of Powerball players use Quick Pick tickets, and the same percentage of winning entries are Quick Picks,” one report said.

What are the 6 most common winning lottery numbers? ›

The most frequently drawn winning numbers from the main barrel are 17, 7, 11, 2, 3 and 9, while the least frequently drawn are 33, 15, 34, 31, 26 and 1. The most frequently drawn Powerball numbers are 19 and 2, while the least frequently drawn Powerball numbers are 14 and 16.

Who won the lottery 14 times? ›

In the 1990s, Romanian-Australian economist Stefan Mandel and his small team entered the lottery and won. Over and over and over again. The feat, of course, wasn't achieved through having a really lucky set of numbers.

What happens if you get all 5 numbers but not the Powerball? ›

Matching 5 numbers without the Powerball will get you a cool $1 million while simply matching the Powerball number earns you $4. The good news is that your chances of winning any prize is 1 in 24.9.

What's the smartest thing to do after winning the lottery? ›

Consider funding a private foundation or donor-advised fund.

You'll owe significant income taxes if you take a lump sum payout. A way to reduce the tax bite is to make a large contribution to charity in the year you claim the jackpot, as the charitable deduction will offset your lottery income.

Can you live a normal life after winning the lottery? ›

According to the National Endowment for Financial Education, 70% of lottery winners go bankrupt within a few years. Obtaining more money often leads to careless spending and the desire to get more money, and the greed can be destructive to the lives of winners and their families.

How can I increase my chances of winning the lottery? ›

To improve your odds, buy as many tickets as you can. Pick lotteries with a low ticket cost and frequent drawings, such as those that have drawings one or two times a week. You can also try joining a pool where lots of people chip in on tickets, then share the jackpot if someone wins.

What is more common than winning the lottery? ›

Getting struck by lightning

According to the National Weather Service, you have a 1 in 15,300 chance of being struck by lightning, meaning you have a better chance at that than winning Powerball. In fact, the NWS reports that the U.S. averaged 43 reported lightning fatalities per year from 1989 to 2018.

Is it better to pick your numbers or quick pick? ›

"There is a common misconception that the odds of winning differ depending on whether you choose your own numbers or go for a Quick Pick," Powerball.net reports. "That is not true; your chances of winning are exactly the same in both cases."

Has any Powerball number hit twice? ›

The last "repeat" in numbers occurred in the Saturday, May 20, 2023, Powerball drawing: 17-23-32-38-63 and the Powerball was 23. Before that, on Oct. 31, 2022, the number 13 appeared twice, in the winning numbers and as the Powerball − and, oddly, that drawing also was for $1 billion.

Is it better to pick numbers for Mega Millions? ›

The odds of winning the Mega Millions jackpot are approximately one in 302.5 million. With odds that slim, Glickman said it's best to focus on picking numbers that are completely random.

What is the best strategy for picking lottery numbers? ›

With odds that slim, Glickman said it's best to focus on picking numbers that are completely random. That will help ensure you're not making the same picks as someone else — and that you won't have to split the prize money with anyone, should you win.

Have the same set of lottery numbers won twice? ›

Well, it's not the first time this has happened, but it's definitely not common. The last "repeat" in numbers occurred in the Saturday, May 20, 2023, Powerball drawing: 17-23-32-38-63 and the Powerball was 23. Before that, on Oct.

What is the formula for the lottery algorithm? ›

To find the odds of winning any lottery, divide the number of winning lottery numbers by the total number of possible lottery numbers. If the numbers are chosen from a set and the order of the numbers doesn't matter, use the formula. r ! ( n − r ) !

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

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Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.