The Journal News from White Plains, New York (2024) TheJournalNews WP 15A Obituaries submitted to The Jour nal News mayb ep ublished distributed, re urposed ando therwiseu sed in print, electro nic and other media platforms. Rober tJ ign or (Bo bby )o fP ea Ri ve NY ie dT hu rs ay arc h8 2012.Hewas76.Bobbywasa memberoftheSteamfittersUnion Lo lo ve d. His jo bb ro ug th im to gr eat heig hts in NY including the com- pl et io no fthe Tw in To we rs ob rt Signor.Heservedhiscountryin the US Arm from 19 56 o1 96 0. In 19 64 obb ym ov ed his fa mil yf ro Yo nk er st oPe ar lR iv r. Bo bb yw a at ru ly am a zi ng fathe ra nd fr iend.

His humorandloveforsingingwill bemissedbyall.Hisgrandchil- drenwillforeverrememberhim as ap ei ss ur viv ed by his daught er or iF it ger al da nd hu s- ba nd Jo hn fP ea rl Ri er an dM im i ma ny nie ce sa nd ne ph ws ei pr ed ec ea sed by his wife, Ma ri an ne son ack i br ot he ra nk an si s- te rs or th Ka ya dM ar ia n. A MassofChristianBurialwillbeheld R.C.Church,PearlRiver.Burialwill fo llo wa tS t. An thon Ceme te Na nu et is it ing is Su nda yf ro 3t o5a nd 7t o9P Ma tW ym an- FisherFuneralHomeInc. Wyman-Fisher FuneralHomeInc. 10 0F ra nk linA ve Pe ar lR iv er Y1 09 65 84 5- 73 5- 2 16 1 SIGNOR, ROBERTJ.

BernieGombergpassedaway peacefullyinhissleepthispast Tuesdaynight.Heleavesabrother, si st er hi ld ren and an ex te nded andgreatgrandchildren.Bernie wasanawardwinningmembe the MontereyGardensCommunity RocklandRepublicanParty.Bernie wa sknownforhisenthusiasticand upbeat mo urandhisloveanddevotionto fa milyandfriends.WewishBernie we llasherejoinswithhiswifeand the his sonMichaelinabetterplace. Fi ndpeaceBernie.Funeralser- vi cesforBernieGombergwillbe held canbereachedat845-356-8600. BurialwillfollowatKingDavid tothecemeteryaswellasShiva informationwillbeavailableatthe chapelandonlineatwww.hellman- todosopleasemakememorial contributionstothecharityofyou choice TwoYearsinHeaven. Re me mb er i ng yo ui sea sy do it ev ry da bu tm is si ng yo ui ah ea rt achet hat ne ve rg oe aw ay Yourmemorywillliveinour heartsforever. Jo hnson Ben net ry ANN ANN JACQUELINE JOHNSON, a i i a av i a Ye Tw i i i a ay i y.

a a aw a at a a a in i i Yo r. a i i a Ju dithGhelbergofYonkers, NYpassedawayonMarch6, 20 12 he as bor no nF ebr ua ry 6, 19 47 to th el at eF ra ce s( Kra lik) illi am McGu ine ss in NY C. Judithissurvivedbyherchildren dr en ea ga ai ge os eph an dh er si li ng sG er a ld in eC am i ll Fl or en ce ucci Jo ephi ne Sy ph er re dM cG ui ne an dm an byhersistersJoanMcDonald, Vi si ta tion is Mon da y4to 8P M. Fu ne ra lm a ss is Tu esd ay at 11 AM St et aul Ch urc h. YannantuonoBurrDavis Sh arpeFuneralHome 584GramatanAve Mt Ve rn on NY 10 55 2 (9 14 )69 9- 40 10 Ya nna nt uon of un er al ome om GHELBERG, JUDITH HappyBirthdayinHeaven! TodayAnthonyyouwouldhave been25yearsold.

willhaveaBirthday. WemisscelebratingBirthdays withbothofyouand wi ll ch er is ho ur pa st me mor ie s. andunforgettable. TAY CHARLES CHARLES ANTHONY C. YLOR, A AY TA a av i a ay i a i a A a a av A a ay To i a i i a yo i a i i a i a ay i a a av i 4 1 a i a a 5 2 a aw re a Yo a a a a a a a Wa JaniceLarainePasquerellaof die do nM arch 7, 20 12 a th ome af te av al ia nt ev en month bat tle with lu ng ca nc r.

Mrs.Pasquerellawasateacher formorethan25years.Shetaught intheOssiningSchoolDistrictfor 18 ye ar sa dr eti re di n2 00 5. Ja nic ew as bor no nF ebru ar y1 4, 19 43, in Tr oy Yt oF an ka nd Ja Ho tc hk is Le nda he wa sr ai se cationfromSUNYOneontaand re ceiv ed er ma st er sd eg re ef om Fo rd ha mU iv er si ty Mr s. Pa sq er el la li ed in Po rt yearsreturningtoOssiningeach yeartospendtimewithherchil- dr en an dg an dc hi ldr en he li ed in Os si nin gs inc e1 97 4. Lo ca ll sh ew as al ng -t im em mb er of St he resa Ch ur ch i nB ri arc li ff andmorerecentlyattendedSt. withherchildrenandgrandchil- dr en Sh ei ss ur viv ed by Jo he lo vi ng hu ba nd of 46 ea rs er threechildrenandtheirfamilies: he da ug ht er Al ys on onnor nd he rh usb an dC hr is to he as we la he rf iv eg an dc hi ldr en ohn li via Familymemberswhodiedearli- Sh ew as she re ntir fa mil yw as st gr at ef ulf or al ly ur ma ss ca rd ra ye rs ca rd fl w- ersandgifts.Thevolumeofwhich wa sincredible.Sheattemptedto boththediseaseandthemedica- tionmadeitimpossibletokeepup withherappreciation.

Thefuneralmasswillbeheldon In queststhatdonationsbemadein Mrs.Pasquerella’shonorforcan- cerresearchatMemorialSloan- KetteringCancerCenterbylog- gi ng on to www re ds te am rg an enteringthenameJeffPasquerella. Thankyouinadvanceforyourgen- eroussupport. JoyceB.Smith,alifelongresi- dentoftheKatonahareadiedon March6thatherhomeinBedford Hills.Mrs.Smithisthedaughterof thelateLelonandEdnaBrooks. Mrs.Smithissurvivedbyherson MitchellC.SmithCatskillNY,her granddaughterOliviaL.Smithand manylovingniecesandnephews. Shewaspredeceasedbyherhus- bandof38yearsRichardW.Smith andherdaughterLucindaL.Smith.

AMemorialServicewillbeheldat Ch La wr ence ath an son, of Ry NY ie do nM arc h8 ,2 01 2o fc om pl ic at io sf ol lo win ga na ut oa ci dent.Larryissurvivedbyhisbe- Li ly ha li an dJ a ck ar ry a t- te nd ed theF ie lds to nS ch oo ra d- ua te df ro Th eW ha rt nS ch ool andreceivedanMBAfromthe SternSchoolofBusiness.Hehada longanddistinguishedcareerasan in vestmentbankerandwasaco- founderofMiltonCapitalHoldings. La rrywasanavidskierandbike riderandlivedandlovedlifeto thefullest.Hisgreatestjoywas spendingtimewithhiswifeandhis threecherishedchildren.Hewill be greatlymissedbyallwhoknew him.Thememorialservicewill Ve tionsmaybemadetotheAmerican CancerSociety. Ic an beli ev ei tha sb ee ay ea al re ad y. No tad ay goes by ithou methinkingofyou.Imissyouso this Lo ve yo Yo ur wi El iz ab th ADOV ASIO, TINA Lois M. Gi io of Os si ing die pe aceful yM ar .9 ,2 0 12 he wa 73 he wa bor nJ un e2 8, 19 38 in Stanton.LoisworkedasaSecretary Ossining.Sheissurvivedbyher hu sb an dP ilip an d1 2ch il dr en sons Ca rl Do ree n) ohn (G in a) Ge ne eb a st ia no a me s( Br ia nne Ma sel li (S al Ju lie El ia (R ob) Sh ar on Cicer o( An thony 22 gr a nd ch il dr en 3g re at -g an dc hi ldr en an 32StateSt.Ossining.Massofthe ResurrectionTues.10amSt.Ann’s Cemetery.

GIOIO, LOISM. An thon yC a pa ss aW it Pl ai ns re sident i ed Ma rc h9 2012attheageof84.Hewasborn Au Ma rg uer it eC apa ss o. An tho ny ma r- ri ed the lo ve of his li fe Ad aC la i re Sh ep re de ea se dh im in2 00 2. HeservedintheU.S.Army fr om1945to1946.Anthonywas aR etiredPoliceOfficerwiththe La rc hmont Po lice De t. He al so wa saT ep ai rm an i nL arc hmon fo rs ev er a ly ea rs He is sur vive db yh is hil Sp andDaveScholzofWhitePlains an dD ebb i e( Cl if f) ur re ll of or th Gr am by ls os ur viv in ga re is gr an dc hi ldr en Ci ndy an dS an dy Scholz.

VisitationwillbeonSundayfrom 4-8pmatthefuneralhomewhere as er vic ew ill be held on Monda at 10 :0 0am. Int er me nt will follo at Hol yM ou nt Ce me te y. In li eu fl owe rs plea se ma ke ona tio ns i char ity. 49 1M am arone ck Av Wh it eP la i ns Y1 06 0 5 (9 14 )9 49 77 77 ShewasborninBrooklyntoMario andAngelinaRausa.Shewasmar- riedtoBarneyForlianofor20years. Tanaspentmuchofhertimeasa cytologistandvolunteeratPhelps Memorial.Shewasanactivemem- berofherchurchinPleasantville andwashonoredforherworkwith theNationalOrganizationofItalian- AmericanWomen.

eg an tl ya nd el oq ue ntl ye mbo di ed andvitality. Tanaissurvivedbyhernieces, MildredandMariaLuciaRausa. Shewasprecededindeathbyher Rausa. Amemorialservicewillbeheld RAUSAFORLIANO, Rosalie(Buchholz)Kramer passedawayinBocaRaton, nativeofMountVernonandwent throughschoolthere.Sheandher inNorthvaleandEastBrunswick, NJbeforeretiringtoFloridain1993. Mr s.

Kra me ri ss ur vi ve db Plains.Anotherson,Marc,prede- ceasedher. Dr.RobertO.Nelson,79,of afteralongillness.Dr.Nelsonwas andGudrunNelsonofNorway.For thirtyyearsDr.Nelsonownedhis ownpracticeasaChiropractorin hadmanyhobbies.Hebuilthisfirst pilotwhoownedhisownplanefor NYwasabronzesculptorandre- SimmonsStreetand38Simmons Dr.Nelsonissurvivedbyhispart- nerLoraineDoucetteofMillerton N.Y.Twosons:RaymondNelsonof MillertonN.Y.,andRonaldNelson RaymondS.NelsonofHarlan,Iowa andJohnS.NelsonofWhitehall, N.Y.Threesisters:AliceE.Odlund Callinghourswillbeheld willbeheldonMondayMarch13at beprivate.Contributionsmaybe mad et ot he Am er ic an Le gi on Po st RoccoF.DeLucia,ofScarsdale, attheageof93.Hewasborn andDonata(Damiano)DeLucia asaself-employedCarpet Installer.OnJan.10,1943he marriedAngelaLoPiccoloatHoly InnocentsChurchinPleasantville. HewasaWWIIveteranandmem- beroftheSamDiRienzoVFW ofEastchesterVolunteerFire De pa rt me nt as tc he st er It al ia n- AmericanCitizensClub.Rocco issurvivedbyhislovingspouse te rs -J ean (Rob er t) Va ccaro DeLucia waspredeceasedby4broth- ersand1sister.Visitationwill beheldatWestchesterFuneral PM.FuneralMasswillbeheldon LadyQueenofPeaceChapelat th eG at eo fH ea ve nC em et er yi withEntombmenttofollow.Inlieu offlowersmemorialdonationsmay be mad et ot he Ja ns en Mem or ia Hospice69MainStreetTuckahoe, NY10707.Onlinecondolencescan begivenatwww.westchesterfu- La Ca sa ber J. 10 01 2.

Pr ed ec ea sed by the lo ve BobleavesbehindhisBrother-In- La wThomasG.Scalzo,Sr.and man yg reat nieces, nephe ws and li fe lo ng ri en ds bs er ve dh i coun tr yi nt he Ko re an ar fr om 1951-1957andwasawardedthe OccupationMedalwith1Bronze Ser vi ce Me da l. He wo ke df or th NY CD EP dw as an av i dh un te r. He wa sam em ber of the Coy ne Pa rk Sh ooting Ra nge inY onk er NY.UncleBobwasatruegentle- manwithatremendousheartand enjoyedlifetothefullest.Asa member of he Hum an eS ociet yh wa saf ri en dt oa ll a llin gH ou sa the Fr ed H. cG ra th nF un er al hoursof1to5PMSunday.Mass ofChristianBurialSt.Joseph’s Chur ch, Br onx ville on Monda Ma rc h1 2, 2 01 2a t1 0A ncle Bo wi ll be la idt or est at Ga te of He a ve Cemet er y. DomenicoDiSistoofOssining diedMar.9,2012,hewas83.

HewasbornJan.20,1929in DomenicoworkedasaUnion Laborerformanyyearsandlate asacaretakerforaprivateestate inBriarcliff.Hewaspre-deceased byhiswifeAlberinawhodiedJan. ma ny nie ces an dn ep he ws ew ill bereposingMon.2-4&7-9pmat Ossining.MassoftheResurrection Tues.12pmatSt.Ann’sChurch, burialSt.Augustine’sCemetery. Nor thernWestchesterHospital acourageousbattlewithpancre- atic cancer.Sheissurvivedbyhe ling ewsand2greatnieces. Sa ll ya nn wa sav iv acious wo ma whowasactiveinTheTheatreas aCostumer.Shehadagreatpas- sionforlifeandhelpingothers.She willbemissedbyherfriendsand fa mily. CallinghourswillbeSunday, 9:0 Wo AMassofChristianBurialwillbe hel atSt.Joseph’sCemetery,Somers.

andTheresa(Calabrese)Scalice, shegrewupintheBronxand marriedtheloveofherlifeatage 18.RosemaryworkedforNY Telephonefor14yearswhenshe be ca me af fl ic te dw i th Mu li tp le battledfor45years.Despite grandmotherwhocaredforher familywithgenerosityandkind- ness.Shehadastrongfaithas aparishionerofMostHolyTrinity ChurchwhereshetaughtReligious Instructionsfor15years.Sheand herhusbandwerealsomembers oftheRyeAssociationforthe Handicapped.Sheissurvived adoringgrandchildrenAndrewand predeceasedbyhersisterMarion Triano.Visitationtoday,Sunday2-4 PostRdMamaroneck.914-698- 5968.FuneralMassMonday 10amatMostHolyTrinityChurch. IntermenttofollowatGreenwood UnionCemetery.Inlieuofflowers, donationsmaybemadetotheMS Societyatwww.nationalmssoci-“In Toplaceonanonlinecondolence, pleasevisitwww.coxeandgrazia- PA Ta ra L. Cun ni ng ha Bre ws te NY ass ed aw ay on Th ageof38yearsyoung.Tarawas da ughterofThomasandLenore atedfromBrewsterHighSchoolin 19 91.ButmostofallTarawillbere- wholovedherchildrenverymuch. Ta raissurvivedbyherthree ch Her lovingparentsThomasand Le noreCunninghamofDanbury, CT.BrotherThomas(Dorothy) Cun (A of vi vedbyhercompanionandfriend is pre-deceasedbygrandparents Cunningham. AM assofChristianRitewill To ole Chur ch in re ws te r.

Intermentwillbeprivate.Family mayreceivefriendsonSunday, Ma 27 alhome.comInlieuofflowersa 529collegefundwillbesetupfor he rchildren.DonationsinTaraL. Cunninghammemorymaybemade Ea Sh ew ill be gr ea tl ym is se d. CUNNINGHAM, TA RA L. IN MEMORIAM Theflagsymbolmaybe insertedintoanobitfor adeceasedVeteranatno serviceprovidedby TheJournalNews. Tosubmitanobituary Call: E-mail: Fax: 914-696-8205 Tosend Flowers, SympathyCard or Gift to the Family onlinebygoingto and followthe prompts.

Formakinga CharitableDonation accordingtothe sw ishes, go to andfollow theprompts. Vi ew and sign an OnlineGuest Book orsponsor a GuestBook Goto andfollow the prompts. Place or Card of Thanks online by andfollowtheprompts..

The Journal News from White Plains, New York (2024)
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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.