The Daily Record from Long Branch, New Jersey (2024)

Ac, i.Cl Awards Mcl. Ssrviceo Afft2M00N KVENMIO Fctality Claizza Seven In Arizona GILA BEND, Sevan of 22 men recruited In Loa Angeles, area to pick cotton In Arizona were killed In a truck col-llaton 17 milei west of here last night Six of the dead were killed whe nthe truck In which they were riding crashed into a lemi-trailer on S. Highway 80. FREEHOLD Mn. Siclllano wai awarded $13, husband, Frank, $710.90 tad son, Paul, $330, in verdicti totaC $2,360.90, handed In yesterday I a jury before Superior Court Jutf.

1 Thomas Brown in an auto lult. The Sicilianos reslda at 23 Dewey Trenton. The action wai against Vincent Wasesky, Bergen Mills ManaUv nan Tnwnnhin. driver nf a rap ia iil i tl the crash, and his broUier, Joseph, the owner, of the tame addresi, The seventh was dead on arrival at tne county hospital in Phoenix None of the fatalities has been identified. Four Injured were brought to Phoenix at the same time, Condition of the other 11 occu pant of the truck has not been determined.

An American Bus Line sdriver, II. P. Myers, how ever, said "none of those alive at the accident scene could walk." Suspension from Page I) who was removed as a defendant, on a motion that his brother wa not acting for him. 1 The crash occurred on Feb. 28, 1945.

on Route 33 in Manalapaa luvvitoiiiy. out uiwuaiiu nM viu east in his car with his mother and father as passengers, and Vincent Wasesky allegedly touched etf 'U 4i ssT-ner cerafn department na a rfghitoT" A crippled plane. The high speed of it smoking at 40 feet, right, but was unhurt. The skyrocket trainer to teach pilots what to expect when out of a crippled Jet to begin the to earth. 'HOTDRY RUN' FOR JET 'SCRAM SEAT' Zoom! To the top of a 105-foot tower in two seconds shoots Marine Sgt.

Thomas W. Watson of Farmville, Va. At the Philadelphia Naval Base, Watson was testing a skyrocket device which duplicates the "ride" of a jet! pilot when he uses an automatic ejection seat to free him (Continued from Page ID LADIES! PEP UP YOUR SEWING MACHINE TO MAM THAT WIHTMI WARDROB1 LIT A BINOCA EXP CRT TON1 IT DP ESTIMATES rtnUfUIIIO ADVANCE SINGER SEWING CENTER 1M BROADWAY, LONQ BRANCH (-3303 Vip Cevart WHO SAYS YOU GOTTA BE RICH? with paramoontb low piuci8 and oocd you too, can havh a beautiful homk. place your order now for custom-made slipcovers, drapes, oornicib and MEW BET OP PURNITURB MAU gtmiH. UEBERAL BUDGET TERMS IP DE8IR PARAMOUNT UPHOLSTERY lea BROADWAY LONO BRANCH f-MU Travel Sorvlcs 18 Day Mexico Tour tlt.00.

Rati and Motor lrom i jtui. asrhhv PARK TRAVEL SERVICE 100 Mattlson Avenue, ABbury Park 2-OOBO Upholitsry ALAN'S Now If the Time to Let Alan Reupholstei YOUR OLD UVINQ ROOM 8UITB TO LOOK LIKE NEW. ALAN'S WILL ALSO HAKE YOUR DRAPES, CORNICES AND SLIPCOVERS FKUH a amumv Hon of pabricb. Call LOng Branch 6-0350 Today I OUR represent ativb will CAIi at your convenience NO OBLIGATION ON If OUR PART 70 South 7th Avenue, Long Branch LIBERAL budobt terms NO RED TAPE PACTORX BHOWROOM NO SERVICE CHARGE FOR ACCOUNTS PAID IN 3 MONTHS A Call to H. LEVY MATTRESS AND UP HOLSTERING CO.

will Dring our repre-aentatlve to your home. We will re-upholster your living room tulte or renovate your mattresses at the lowest prices In history. We carry a full Una of fabrics and bedding. For a limited time offer an Amarlnn Beauty InneriDrlni mat' tresa for $14.95. Call LOng Branch 31137.

250 Chelsea Avenue. Variation Blind ARTCRAFT VENETIAN BLIND MANUFACTURING CO. Orders taken and delivered wlthla ten lays. Direct from Factory to you. Also repairing, repainting and retaplng.

Car ABbury Park 2-lOlfl. Wood Cutting WOOD CUT TO ORDER Also sawing lobs, trucking, odd Jobs. CHARLIE H. WILSON, Wood Yard, 3 Peach Street, Shrewsbury Township. REd Bank 6-1846.

LEGAL NOTICE SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY CHANCERY DIVISION, MONMOUTH COUNTY, DOCKET NO. M-801-4. TfV HVT.VIA ACERRA By virtue of an order of the Superior Court of New Jersey made on the 27th day of October, 1949, In a causa wherein Louis Acerra Is Dlalntlff and you are aeiena ant, you are hereby required to answer the plaintiff's complaint on or before the 28th day of December next, and In default thereof, Judgment will be entered against you In accordance with tne statute ana the rules of the court. The object of said suit Is to obtain a Judgment of divorce between the plaintiff 7 3 3 1 3 use his judgment in operating that department. He explained the cause of the suspension by telling the council that he had told the garbage men repeatedly to report to him if they counld not finish the day's run so that he could send another truck out to pick up the rest of the garbage.

He said that from last Thursday until Tuesday the run had not been finished and he had not been notified, although he asked the men to do so. Mr. Newton said that because all the garbage was not picked up, many complaints had been re ceived at borough hall and at his place of business from irate citi zens. He said that the only way to make sure the garbage was picked up from now on was to discipline the men. He suspended them Wednesday morning for two days, until the council met.

Mr. Newton said "somebody has to take the responsibility to spend the taxpayers' money in the right manner." Further discussion by Mr. Loder and Mr. Newton, plus the appear ance of the wife of the suspended Matthews, led to Mr. Newton saying "I'm willing to let Mr.

Loder run the garbage department if he thinks he can do it better. I ask to be relieved of my duties on the garbage committee." Mr. Loder was among the men who shouted "No, No." Councilman Timothy Lynch ended further discussion by telling Mrs. Matthews that the men were expected back to work this morning and that they had not been fired. MINUTES READ Reminiscent of days gone by, Borough Clerk Mrs.

Viola Horan spent an hour and 20 minutes last night reading minutes and the financial report Apparently the new practice last night was adopted because of pamphlets distributed prior to the election ask ing why the minutes of the meet- ing were not read. Council had been in the habit of passing on the minutes and then leaving two copies posted in the borough hall for citizens to study. Mr. Loder was the one who gave impetus to another discussion, this time on the length of the minutes, the reading of the minutes and campaign promises. When the minutes of the last meeting were read, Mr.

Loder, saying he was thinking of the pending law suit with Layne-New York said he was reluctant to approve the minutes because he had been quoted in them. He said that in the two weeks WCAP-PM 114 Bee. WOAPolflt BL 13:00 Local News 1J Luncheon Serened Good Neighbor Maa Local News 1:05 Mr, Snap 1:16 This Day 1:30 Pleeta Tim 1:00 Record Rendeiroui Newe Headline 1:05 Record Rendeevous 4:00 New Headlines 4:05 Record Rendesvous 5:00 Jersey News 6:05 Four of a Kind 5:11 Parade of Bands 1:10 Pee Wee Hunt Show 1:45 Blng Crosby 1:00 Local New 6.0a Dine with Muslo 8:30 Sport Parade 6:45 Sammy Kaye Showroom 7:00 Local News 7:08 Long Branch Stadium Sunset and Vine 7:3 Parade of Band 7:48 Southern Spirituals 8:00 Local News 8:06 Record Request Show 9:00 Music Ypu Want 9:30 Harry James Show 9:45 Publio Service 10:00 Local Newt 10:05 Eddie Howard 10:30 Downbeat Club (until 12:00) 12:00 News Headlines and Blgn Off hwb news, lijie van WJZ News; Joe HaseL Sports WCBS News! Erlo Sevareld WQXR New: Muslo to ttemembor 6.15-WNBO Sport Comment WOR On the Century, Interview WJZ Allen Prescott WCBS Lowell Thome 6:30 WNBC Wayne Howell Show WOR News Vandaventer WCBS Curt Massey Show WQXR Dinner Concert Three-Star Extra WOR Sports, Stan Lorn WJZ Sammy Kaye't Showroom WCBS Pulton Oursler WNYC Weather: New Frank Sinatra, Songs WOR Fulton Lewis, News WJZ Political Talk WCBS Beaulah, Sketch New of th World WOR Th Answer Man WJZ Political Talk WCBS Jack Smith Show The U. N. Ia My Bsat WOR Gabriel Heatter, News WJZ The Lone Ranger WCBS Club 15 Variety H.

V. Kaltenborn WOR I Love a Mystery WCBS News, Edward R. Murrow Henry Morgan Show WOR Russ Morgan Show WJZ The Fat Man, 8ketch WCBS Play: The Goldbergs We, the People WOR International Airport WJZ This Is Your FBI WCBS My Favorite Husband Bill Henry, News The Life of Riley, Comedy WOR Box 13, Sketch WJZ Oizle and Harriet WCBS Leave It To Joan WQXR News; Concert Hall 9-30-WNBC Jimmy Durante Show WOR Meet the Press WJZ The Sheriff, Sketch WCBS Crime Correspondent To be announced WOR Political Talk WJZ Boxing Bout WCBS Young Love, Sketch WQXR News; Nights In Latin America Pru Devon Sports, Bill Stern won The symphonette WJZ Sport Page WCBS Capitol Cloak Room Pro and Con, Lelf Eld WOR New; Music WJZ, WCBS News, MUSIC Deems Taylor Concert wcbs oalen Drake WOR, WCBS News, Muslo wuah Tne new yorx rime News 12 Nightcap TOMORROW WCAPFM 107.1 Me. WCAP 1811 Ke. 7:00 Sign On and News Alarm Clock Club 8:00 News 8:06 Alarm Clock Club 8:00 News Crier 9:15 Shore Area Churches 9:30 Music from Hollywood 10:00 It's the Tops 10:15 Music Room 11:45 Navy Band News, Johnny Andrews WOft News: Prescott Robinson WJZ News; Martin Agronsky WCBS News; PhU Cook Show WNYC Children's Story Fair WQXR News: Breakfast Symphony rne Fingerame WOR Breakfast with the Hartmans Frank Luther Show WCBS Margaret Arlen Program Tom, Tlmmy and Mae WOR News, Harry Hennessy WJZ Recorded Music WCBS This Is New York WNYC Masterwork Hour WQXR News; Morning Melodle Stamp Club WOR Sidney Walton.

News People Are Funny Art Llnkletter WOR Teel-KId Test Quia WJZ Shopper' Special Garden Gate Fred Waring 8how WOR News, Henry Gladstone WJZ Introduction to Music, with Slgmund Spaeth WCBS Joe DIMaggio Show WQXR News; Muslo Mr. Fixit WQXR The New York Times Youth Forum Mary Lee Taylor Show wor Frank Sinatra Recorfls WJZ Big and Little Club WCBS Galen Drake WJZ Big and Little Club WNYC Children's corner Let's Go, Talk Lassie Sketch WOR News; Prescott Robinson U. 8. Navy BanS WCBS News, Allen Jackson WNYC Muslo Maestro WQXR News; Gilbert and Sullivan Let's Pretend Stamp Club WOR Blng Crosby Records Smllin' Ed McConnell WOR Parade Preview WJZ Roger Dann Show WCBS Junior Miss Comedy WNYC PAL Program WQXR Violin Personalities Talk, Lorraine Sherwood "WQXR Luncheon Concert ANOTHER LINEMAN TUSCALOOSA, Doug Lockridge, senior center from Jasper, is the ninth successive lineman to captain the Univer of Alabama's football squad. Bubber Nisbet, fullback of the 1936 team and now a member of Alabama coaching staff, was last backfield man to lead the Crimson Tide.

AFTER. ALL THE HeRCULCAKi LABOR Ort THAT HOW ABOUT CTATUe, ARe BIKE EQUIPPED at It he The TV uie ribs, out egad, menJ-' vttND KMOVJS A UiMWlfBOlfWI BMW4-4P WOtV-Kato MBlUl Bpctkl WJ Hon farMr, Art Llnklitltr WO-Wo4r WrTn, Bk.Voh WNYO Ml4d Symphony 1 WQ Hwi; Lunch on Conosrt Ullt-WNBO HI Mor Out of Llls i WOE Bin CrosT rds WCBB Aunt JnH'l BtortM WklUr KltroM Hsws Xtport WKBO Wormn Broksnshlre WJZ Jfsrb Bbfldon Show WCBS Mslsn Trent. Bkatch 1M5-WOR Lunohton at Ssral's WCBB our ai Bunasr, esetcn lllO-WNBW Mry Mrrt MoBrld WJZ Bukbt Talklnf WCBS Big Bister Bkatoh Nuicf Crl, Talk WCBB Ma Psrklns, Sketch Youni Dr. Malone, Bkatoh WOR Hollywood Theatre Tha Ouldlng Light, Bkatoh Qua for a Day WNBC Doubla or Ho thing WJS Brcakfaat In Hollywood WCBB Baoond Mrs. Burton Maion, Sketch liJO-WNBC Tooafa Children, sketch WOR Baoond Honsjrmoon WJE Bride and arootn WCBS Thil ia Nora Drake.

Sketch Light of tha World WCBB Tha Brighter Day, vtatcn WQXR Home Muslo Qub uls bo me can xju eaimiui WCBS Dvld Hrum, Sketch Road of Life, Sketch WOR Oabrlel Heatter'i Mallbag WCBS Hilltop House, Bketoh PsDDer Young'a Family WOR Big Joe's Happiness Exchange WJZ Ladles, Be seated WCBS Garry Moore Show Right to' Happiness 3 8S-WJZ Ted Melons Backstage Wife, Sketch WOR Barbara Welles Show WJZ Oalen Drake WNYC Disk Date, Records WQXR-News; Symphonic Matinee Stella Dallas. Bkatoh WJZ Oolph Gobel Trio Lorenio Jones, Sketch WOR Prince Charming Show WJZ Armistice Day Address WCBS Newsi Treasury Bandstand Young Wlddet Brown When a Girl Marries WOR B-Bar-B Ranch, sketch WJZ Challenge of the Yukon WCBS Galen Drake WNYC Sunset Serenade WQXR News, Today In Musi Portia Faces Life WQXR Record Review Just Plain Bill WOR Tom Mix, Sketch WJZ Hits and Misses, Gull Front-Page Farrell FREQUENCY MODULATION WJLK-FM 4. C. 1:30 This Is New Jersey 3:00 News and Weather 3:05 The Ballad Box 3:30 Proudly We Hall 4:00 News and Weather 4:01 Prise Tune Show 4:30 The Voice of Faith 4:45 What's New Today 6:00 News and Weather 6:05 WJLK Record Session 6:00 News and Weather 6:15 Movie Oulde 6:16 Classified Ads of the Air 6:28 Today's Sports 6:30 Dinner Music 7:00 News and Weather 7:05 Dinner Music 7:30 Musical Arts Program 8:00 News and Weather 8:05 Sports Parade 8:30 Fort Monmouth Olee Club 8:45 Here'a to Veterans i 9:00 News and Weather 9:01 Speak Up for Democracy 9:30 Patsy Portunato 9:46 The Pour Knights 10:00 News and Weather 10:01 WJLK Concert 10:46 News and Weather 11:00 Music You'll Remember WQXR 15.9 me. and 96 Snl.

jn. to 12:05 a. m. Programa for WQXR WBAF 175 ana me p. m.

to midnight. Musical programa. wn it-rM vs.vmo a. m. to midnight Program! of WNYC and muslo WNBC-FM 7.1me.

5:30 a. m. to 1 a. Programs of WNBC. WCBS-FM lOl.lmo 5:40 a.

m. to 1 a. m. Programs of WCBS WOHF-FM lOl.Smc p. m.

to 11 p. Musical programs and music WMGM lOO.Bme to 9 p. m. Programs of WOR and Mutual Network WGYN 7.9mc a. m.

to 10 p. m. Musical programs and news WBAM 97.7me to 9 p. m. Recorded music and WHN TELEVISION News and Muale Market Melodies WATVC-Of Human Interest 3 AT -Feature Film Music, Weather WATV Bomemakers Oulde 3 Classified Column WATV PUm Homemakers Exchange WJZ-TV Telephone Game WATV Western Pilm 4 Vanity Fair Ted Steele Show WATV Junior Frolics Judy Splinters WPIX Mr.

Magic The Chuck Wagon WNBT Rowdy Doody WPIX Slx-Oun Playhouse WATV Feature Film Western Film WABD Small Fry Club Lucky Pup wnbt Easy Does it variety WABD Magic Cottage, Pat Melkle WPIX News, Song Parade WATV Film Short Bob Howard Show Sports Special WNBT Kukla, Fran and OUia Show wabd captain viaeo WJZ-TV The Pltrgeralda WOR-TV Hasel Shermet, Songs WPIX Jimmy Powers WATV Western PUm Paul Arnold Show WOR-TV To be announced WPIX Teleplx; Song Parade Television News WNBT Morton Downey, Songs WABD Manhattan Spotlight WJZ-TV Football Pilm WOR-TV Toon-A-Vllon WPIX This Is Your City Sonny Kendls Show WNBT News caravan WABD Vincent Lope Ruthle on the Telephone Play, Mama WNBT One Man's Family, Play WABD Hands of Murder, Play WJZ-TV Shopper Guide WOR-TV Old Knlck Music Hall WPIX Sports, Ouy LeBow WATV Cowboy Variety Show Movie Bhort WPIX Football Man Against Crime, Play wnbt we, tne reopie WABD Headline Clues WJZ-TV Blind Date Arline Francis 8 31-WATV Wstllng Theatre Hour WNBT George Glvot Varieties WABD Fish and Hunt Club WJZ-TV Auctlon-Alre WOR-TV To Be Announced Believe It Or Not WABD Western Film WJZ-TV Fun for the Money People's Platform wnbt Greatest Fignts WABD Boxing from Chicago WJZ-TV Roller Derby Sports Highlights Espy Morales Orchestra 10 Capital Cloalt Room Newsreel Newsreel Ships Reporter Shore Football Loop STANDINGS W. L. T. Pts 11 11 11 11 sity the the 4 Birth Record Monmouth Memorial Hospital McGINTY, Mr. and Mrs.

Ed ward, West Park Belford, a son, yesterday. HOLMES, Mr. and Mrs. Paul, Woolleytown Matawan, a daughter, yesterday. Dr.

E. C. Hazard Hospital DURKO, Mr. and Mrs. Michael, 704 Center Union Beach, a son, yesterday.

Fltkin Memorial Hospital NIXON, Mr. and Mrs. Edward James, Tennant Englishtown, a son, Wednesday. BURKE, Mr. and Mrs.

John, 6 Monmouth Freehold, a daughter, Wednesday. MARTELLI, Mr. and Mrs. Jos eph, 1248 Asbury Asbury Park, a son, Wednesday. RUBIN, Mr.

and Mrs. Morris, 300 Deal Lake Asbury Park, a daughter, Wednesday. SMITH, Mr. and Mrs. Ervine, Lakehyrst Toms River, a son, yesterday WINES, Mr.

and Mrs. Milton 1218 Sunset Asbury Park a daughter, yesterday. HEIGHT, Mr. and Mrs. Howard, West Atlantic Manasquan, a daughter, yesterday.

TERRIO, Mr. and Mrs. Harold 1221 Corlies Neptune, a daughter, today. Race (Continued from Page 14) decided on the meeting of the two teams on Nov. 2Q.

The loss for one of the teams could mean -that the final game could end in the second place team dumping the first place team and then returning to a two-way tie and there is several possibilities that might still find the top game ending in another tie as it did before when the Pels and Indians battled to a 12-12 deadlock at Point Pleasant in their last meeting. There will be a league meeting the home of John Pandolfe, president of the Shore grid loop, next Wednesday, and at that time there may be a new situation to puzzle the loop officials and even tually bring about a major play off. However, Sunday's games will draw out the fans to view the semi-windup, and if the title can be settled without a dispute it would leave the way for the post-season battle with a similar club from the Newark area. GETS MOOSE WITH A BOW HELENA, (IP) Waldo Newton recently flattened a bull moose (weighing at least 1,100 pounds) with a bow and arrow. was Newton's first moose.

But Shore Conference Standings WLT Ave. Neptune 6 0 0 1.000 Point Pleasant 4 1 0 .800 Manasquan 3 1 0 .750 Leonardo 3 1 1 .750 Freehold 3 2 0 .600 Lakewood 2 2 0 .500 Rumson 2 2 1 .500 Toms River 2 3 1 .400 Red Bank 1 2 1 .333 Keyport 1 3 0 .250 Matawan 0 4 0 .000 AO. Highlands 0 5 0 .000 TODAY Matawan at Toms River. TOMORROW Red Bank at Neptune. Freehold at Manasquan.

AO. Highlands at Pt. Pleasant. Keyport at Rumson. Reels and Keels (Continued from Page 15) is manned by a crew of six.

Here's a piece of interesting news for those skippers who like to wander out of the channels1 and up on the shoals. A jet propul sion unit that is practical for pleasure boats has been developed by Keenan Hanley, of Prospect, Ohio. Hanley a 46 year old inventor drove a 14 foot utility 15 miles per hour in 34 inches of water in trail runs on the Scioto River. He also ran a 26 foot cruiser in 11 inches of water at a speed of 18 miles per hour The principle of the propulsion is the discharge of water through a nozzle after being brought through hull by a special pump Boats equipped with this type of unit will need no propeller and will be able to navigate without a rudder. The jet can be utilized to steer it.

Members of the North Shrewsbury Ice Boat and Yacht club were pleasantly surprised at Uieir meet ing last Thursday night, with the presence of Fred Wikoff. Mr. Wi-koff has been a member of the club for the past 60 years and was welcomed to the meeting by a handshake from each of the members present. Mr. Wikoff presented the club with a sterling silver trophy to be put up as a season's prize for club events.

He spent a portion of the evening with Captain Charlie Burd, another of the club's grand old timers, reminiscing past seasons. Another presentation was made to the club, this time in the form of three framed pictures taken more than a quarter century ago. These were given by Mrs. Charles A. Minton through Delford M.

Fisher. Mrs. Minton is a member of the Coley family which pre- ke yacht Rocket designed by the paIdv Doctor Bill Dougherty of Linden and Port-au Peck is bent on getting all he can out of this season's sailing. Taking advantage of the mild weather the Doc was down Thursday to take his 23 foot sailboat Ri. ninnpr nllt fnr a post eaaenn Q3il Vvprp)t nf was elected president of the Eastern Ice Boat Association at their recent meeting held in New York.

The championship races sponsored by this organization will be held on the Great South Bay, Long Island, but in the event of no ice the scene will be shifted to Lake Musconetcong, New Jersey. Four States' Make Survey Of Water self from a the seat started the sergeant will be used they spring parachute drop and you. Dated: November 4, 1949. THOMAS J. BALDINO, JR.

Attorney for Plaintiff 213' Broadway Lone Branch. New Jersey. the collision by making a U-turt hi. The Sicilianos were represented by Thomas F. Shebell and the Waseskys by Max Barr.

cial report. She was finished read ing at 9:30 P.M. Looking up at the clock. Councilman Lynch asked that the council consider posting the minutes once more, even though, he said, "a campaign promise was made ia 1948 that the minutes would be read. Do we have to sit here every -week for an hour and a half listen ing to what is in front of us?" He asserted that the matter was nothing but politics.

Said Mr. Loder, however, don't want to discuss what hap-, pened before the election I have never heard minutes of that size at any meeting I have attended." few organizations are a $3,000,000 proposition run by six men," asserted Mr. Newton. Mayor Joseph Dempsey explained that before Mrs. Horan had taken" notes in shorthand the council found that half the records were missing and that often the records were incomplete.

WILL POST MINUTES The councilmen got Mr. Loder to admit that posting the minutes would have effect as read ing them and it was voted that the minutes would not be read at future meetings. Citizens may examine them at any time at borough hall. A meeting will be held with rep resentatives of Layne-New York Inc. and their attorneys, along with former borough engineer Craig Finnegan on Sunday, Nov.

20 at 2 P.M., in the borough halL Mr. Gruber informed the coun cilmen that he had received a call from representatives saying that they had been informed that the borough had instituted suit for breach of contract in building the water plant and wished to discuss the matter. A meeting had been arranged several weeks ago to which the company officials did not come and did not inform the council that they would not be present. Mayor Dempsey said he was willing to attend a meeting provided we won't be made fools of." It was decided to agree to the meeting providing that Mr. Finnegan is present.

DISORDERLY COUNT Walter Edelman, 41, 131 Hudson Red Bank, will face a charge of disorderly conduct in Municipal elected yesterday to his fourth term as national president of the Alumni Association of the Catholic University of America. LONG BRANCH Strike (Continued from Page 1) sions. The latest company to reach agreement was the Colorado Fuel Iron Corp. which employes 000 and ranks 10th in the industry. It has plants in Pueblo, Buf falo, N.

and Palmer, Worcester and Clinton, Mass. 91,000 IDLED The steel shortage in the auto industry has forced the layoff of 91,000 workers in the Detroit area employed by Chrysler Corp. Willys-Overland in Toledo will suspend operations after today, making idle 7,000 workers. Another 15,000 em ployed at the two main Wisconsin plants of Nash Motors, will be laid off next Tuesday. On Nov.

23 Pontiac division of General Motors will shut down, forcing 14,000 off their jobs. Several General Motors divisions and many auto supply firms have been operating four days a week. The Ford Motor' Co. produces a large portion of its own steel and is operating at only slightly re duced schedules. But there was a swing the other way in the coal mines as John L.

Lewis' 380,000 United Mine Workers, idle for 52 days, returned to their jobs under a three weeks' strike truce. Lewis failed to show up in Washington yesterday for a meeting with operators which had been arranged by Federal Mediation Chief Cyrus S. Ching. The UMW chief told Ching he could meet with the operators Monday but Ching said no session was scheduled. Lewis arrived in New York yesterday after his whereabouts had been unknown since he left Chi cago Wednesday after announcing suspension of the coal strike.

Meanwhile, the government was reported considering a move to have a Presidential fact-finding ooard recommend a settlement in the coal dispute. The operators nave indicated they are willing to cooperate with the board. But Lewis is known to be opposed to such a move, Bishop (Continued from Page 14) big and brawney freshman of whom much is expected in suc ceeding seasons, are all available for full tim sentry duty on the ends, and Coach Bruno has a difficult chore in choosing among them. Big Dave Seinski and stocky Jim D'Esposito, although green at their tackle assignments, have come along fast, and have done a very commendable chore in these im portant assignments. Mac Davison, slighter but full of fight, and Frank Goldstein, a big, sophom*ore who has been showing much promise, will be ready for full time duty should anything untoward happen to the first mentioned duo.

SEEK FOURTH WIN Coach William B. Bruno is de pending on this game to pull his season percentage well above the 500 mark. The Bishops took South Side of Newark in the opening con test; dropped a pair of one touchdown decisions to New Brunswick and Irvington, and came back to run a three game winning streak, with South River, Camden, and Red Bank as the victims. An unex pected thrashing by Perth Ambov removed all chance of State Conference or Central Jersey honors, and the boys are now in the mood to put themselves much in the lime-light when Monmouth County-honors are being handed out. A snow fence has been erected around the playing field, and preparations have been completed to Mrs.

Mary A. Miller, 320 Broad way, reported to police yesterday that she found a blue and white bicycle on her lawn. The bicycle was taken to police headquarters SWL Capt Robert C. Gurley. 266283 (Frl) MONMOUTH COUNTY SURROGATE'S OFFICE In the Matter of the Estate of Ann C.

McCue, Deceased. Notice to Creditors to Present Claims Against Estate. Pursuant to the order of DORMAN Mc FADDIN, Surrogate of the County of Mon- moutn, maae on tne euevenin uy ui tober. 1949. on the application of Kath erine Mooney, sole executrix of the estate or Ann c.

Mccue, deceased, notice is nere bv ven to the creditors of said deceas ed to exhibit to the subsorlber Sole Exec utrix as aforesaid, their debts and de tnands against the said estate, under -oath, within six months from the date of the aforesaid order, or they will be forever barred of their actions therefor against the said subscriber. Dated, Freehold, N. October 11, 1949. Katherlne Mooney, 272 Willow Avenue Long Branch, New Jersey. Messrs.

Durand, Ivins as Carton Asbury Park, New Jersey Attorneys. 242 266 (Frl) time lapse between meetings he Court tomorrow. He was booked could not remember the exact on that charge at police headquar-words he had used and did not iters at 1:35 this morning. Edel-want to give a lawyer the chance man was arrested by Sgt A. J.

An-to attack him on that point. He astasia, Officers Joseph McGarvey said he would not vote for the! and George Hum. minutes unless it was recorded i that he had said those were "the HEADS ALUMNI best recollection of my statement." WASHINGTON, (jP) Andrew P. When the minutes of the special Maloney of Madison, N. was MONMOUTH COUNTY SURROGATE'S OFFICE In the Matter of the Estate of THOMAS R.

DOBSON, Deceased, Notice to Creditors to present Claims Against Es-. tate. Pursuant to the order of DORMAN Me- FADDIN, Surrogate of the County of Monmouth, made on the nineteenth day of meeting last week were read Mr. Loder voted to accept them, but i with the same exception. Mrs.

Horan then read the finan- HhfcOnr has previously slain black andjsenled tte club witn the famous October, 1949, on tne application oi Mary 8. Dobson, Administratrix of the estate of Thomas R. Dobson, deoeased, notice is hereby given to the creditors of said deceased to exhibit to the subscriber Ad ministratrix as aforesaid, their debts and demands against the said estate, under oath, within six months from the date of the aforesaid order, or they will be forever barred of their actions therefor Drown Dear ana aeer ana eiK vaui bow and arrow. or uie niuusv ne useu a uow iL i with a pull of 57 pounds. His arrows were 27 inches long with heads more than an inch wide.

heads were made of clock- spring steel. Newton first shot was wide. a i acuuiiu cjilcicu uciwccn mc through the heart and camei of a shoulder. against the said subscriber. Dated, Freehold, N.

October 19, 1949. Harry Lane, Esq. 744 Broad St. Newark 2, N. J.

Attorney. Mary 6. Dobson The eG6rYMav intier- MO RUPT VOOR WlTK A CHEMICAL SPRAVER 371 Cedar AW, West End Long Branctl, N. Jl 246 272 (Frl) November 1041. Ann P.

Mount, 14 2 Broadway, Ocean Grove, N. J. Take notice that on Tuesday the JJnd day of November 1041 I wlU sell the following car for default In a Conditional Bales Contract aslgned to the Seacoast Finance Company of Red Bank, New Jersey: Hudson 147 Sedan Model: Super Motor No. 1715666 Serial No. 1716856 Sale will be held at Scotty's Sales and Service, River Road, Belmar, N.

at 10 o'clock In the fore-noon of the above mentioned date. JAMES VAN RAALTE. 188 (Fri) November 1948. Edwin F. Mc Rae 607 Mc Cabe Avenue Bradley Beach.

N. J. Take notice that on Monday, the 31st day or November, 1B4, I will sell at Pub 11c AjJctlon the following car for default in a conditional Rales Contract assigned to the Beacoast Finance Company, Red YOU PUTTING THE CORK BACK CM 01R AMBlTIOisJ -TO MELT SNOW AMD, MOTOR MENTAL LEAP FROG. N00 TtfiEtJ that tew Wears AGO AND CKPiMGED EVERV LAVJNl IrJ the neighborhood; TO A SKlNNlED S7 A a END FOREVER THE BACK-BREAKING TILL IT'6 TlrAE TO OPErt THE Business CHRISTMAS WALKS shoveling. of diamond i DiAMOhJI? ikl Bank.

New Jersey. I PHILADELPHIA, (IP) A waterS handle the biggest crowd of the survey is being made by experts year to attend a Monmouth County of four states now on a three-day. I contest. The advance sale of tickets 500-mile tour of the Delaware Presaeed an ever-flow crowd. and its tributaries.

and il hoped that the lure of The group is seeking possible the traditional contest will influ-reservoir sites for Philadelphia ence the partisan supporters of smobil 1941 Conv. Coupe Model: 18 Serial No. 98 17170 Motor No. 439904 Sale will be held at the Hubbs Oarare Pt? Pleasant 5 0 2 12 Long Branch 5 0 2 12 Belmar 4 3 0 Red Bank 2 3 2 6 Cliffwood 1 4 2 4 Leonardo 0 3 4 4 Rumson 0 4 2 2, Shrewsbury Red Bank. New Jersey at io clock in the iore-nooa of tne above mentioned date.

JAMES VAN RAALTE. 28 (Frl) future water supply, methods ofjboth teams to forsake their tele-' The Shoe That Will Che Your Feet The Surprise of Their Life! Husky, handsome, nen' shoes that feel as relaxrd as old dippers That's Walk-Over! Sold Exclusively in Long Branch at SAM LOU MENS WEAR obtaining additional water to sets on that afternoon and tect New York City and Northern enjoy the "legitimate stage." New Jersey against shortages, "d1 in makp nlans for huildine Bit 111.1. rUlU Sunday's Games Long Branch at Red Banl The air above the earth has been divided by scientists into the trophosphere, Uie tropopause, the tiiijosphere, the ozone layer and Rumson at Cliffwood Pt. Pleasant at Belmar tne ionosphere. dams to regulate river flow by! storing surplus flood waters.

Austria has only 35 dairy newspapers and 17 radio stations, tween 10 and 15 years. by RECORD WANT ADS SUING RSCUflD RESULTS Sunday Nov. 20 Pt. Pleasant at Long Branch Belmar at Rumson Red Bank at Leonard 138 BROADWAY.

The Daily Record from Long Branch, New Jersey (2024)
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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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