Protein Powder for Kids | Kids Protein Drinks (2024)

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Protein Powder Get a free digital recipe book! 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PRODUCT DESCRIPTION We don't do boring here. Rich, creamy, and deliciously cool, Simply Vanilla is simply THE BEST. Kids (and parents) love it; that's what we call a win-win! INCREDIBLE TASTE:We are not kidding around with flavor when it comes to our Kid's Protein Powder! These nutrient-dense formulas have been created to taste just like our best-selling Simply Vanilla Protein Powder! SERVING:30-serving bag PRODUCT DESCRIPTION We don't do boring here. Rich, creamy, and deliciously cool, Simply Vanilla is simply THE BEST. Kids (and parents) love it; that's what we call a win-win! INCREDIBLE TASTE:We are not kidding around with flavor when it comes to our Kid's Protein Powder! These nutrient-dense formulas have been created to taste just like our best-selling Simply Vanilla Protein Powder! SERVING:30-serving bag HIGHEST INGREDIENT STANDARDS Life is complicated, your supplements shouldn’t be. That’s why we make supplements that are undeniably clean–our formulations go through four rounds of testing to ensure that you and your family are getting the highest-quality nutritional products on the market. Learn more about our ingredient standards. INGREDIENTS Supplement Facts Serving Size 1 scoop (19.5g) Serving Per Container 30 Amount Per Serving % Daily Value* Calories 88 Total Fat 2g 2% Saturated Fat 1g 5% Cholesterol 12.5mg 4% Total Carbohydrate 8g 3% Dietary Fiber 1g 4% Total Sugars 1g 0% Added Sugars 0g 0% Protein 10g 20% Vitamin C (from Camu Camu) 120mg 133% Calcium 30mg 2% Iron (as Chelate 10%) 1mg 5% Sodium 135mg 6% Potassium (as Citrate) 153mg 3% Digestive Enzyme Blend 75mg † Lipase 6 FIP, Cellulase 28 CU, Protease 2,700 HUT, Amylase 2,600 SKB Magnesium (as Citrate) 40mg 9% Vitamin B3 (as Niacinamide) 15mg 94% Vitamin B6 (as Pyridoxine HCL) 1.25mg 125% Vitamin B12 (as Methylcobalamin) 4mcg 166% Vitamin D3 (as Cholecalciferol) 5mcg 25% Vitamin A (as Acetate) 450 mcg 50% Vitamin E (as Acetate) 12.5 mcg 83% Vitamin K1 (as Phylloquinone) 50mcg 41% Vitamin B1 (as Thiamin) 1mg 83% Vitamin B2 (as Riboflavin) 1.05mg 81% Folate (as 5 Methyltetrahydrofolate) 200mcg 50% Biotin 30mcg 100% *Percent Daily Values based on a 2,000 calorie diet.†Daily Values (DV) not established Other Ingredients: Grass-Fed Whey Protein Isolate, Xylitol (Natural Birch), Non-Fat Dry Milk, Prebiotic VitaFiber® (IMO), Coconut Oil (MCT) 50%, Natural Flavors, Sea Salt, Xanthan Gum, Stevia Leaf Extract, Omega-3 Fatty Acid (from Flaxseed), Monk Fruit Contains: Milk, Tree Nut (Coconut), Soy (Lecithin) Note: Contents filled by weight, not volume. Keep in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children. If pregnant or nursing, consult a healthcare professional before use. Manufactured in Utah, USA. We are committed to continuously improving our ingredients. For most updated ingredients, please see the packaging label. Learn more about our ingredients here. ${flavorMixingTitles[index]} MIXING 101: AMAZING BENEFITS Highest Ingredient Standards ${ facts.subtitle } ${facts.table_header} Supplement Facts Highest Ingredient Standards Supplement Facts TIKTOK VIRAL Powered by Protein Questions? We've got answers FAQs

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  • Protein Powder for Kids | Kids Protein Drinks (5)

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Protein Powder


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Protein Powder for Kids | Kids Protein Drinks (34)

` } digitalRecipeBookRef.append( `

Get a free digital recipe book!

Sent directly to your inbox with every protein purchase. Delicious, protein-packed recipes coming your way!

${ digitalRecipeSection }

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    Protein Powder for Kids | Kids Protein Drinks (39)


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  • Protein Powder for Kids | Kids Protein Drinks (53)

  • Protein Powder for Kids | Kids Protein Drinks (54)

    • Protein Powder for Kids | Kids Protein Drinks (55)
    • Protein Powder for Kids | Kids Protein Drinks (56)
    • Protein Powder for Kids | Kids Protein Drinks (57)

    Protein Powder for Kids | Kids Protein Drinks (58)

    Highest Ingredient Standards

    Life is complicated, your supplements shouldn’t be. That’s why we make supplements that are undeniably clean–our formulations go through four rounds of testing to ensure that you and your family are getting the highest-quality nutritional products on the market.
    Learn more about our ingredient standards.

    Supplement Facts

    Serving Size 1 scoop (19.5g)

    Serving Per Container 30

    • Amount Per Serving % Daily Value*
    • Calories 88

    • Total Fat 2g 2%
      • Saturated Fat 1g 5%
    • Cholesterol 12.5mg 4%
    • Total Carbohydrate 8g 3%
      • Dietary Fiber 1g 4%
      • Total Sugars 1g 0%
      • Added Sugars 0g 0%
    • Protein 10g 20%
    • Vitamin C (from Camu Camu) 120mg 133%
    • Calcium 30mg 2%
    • Iron (as Chelate 10%) 1mg 5%
    • Sodium 135mg 6%
    • Potassium (as Citrate) 153mg 3%
    • Digestive Enzyme Blend 75mg

      Lipase 6 FIP, Cellulase 28 CU, Protease 2,700 HUT, Amylase 2,600 SKB

    • Magnesium (as Citrate) 40mg 9%
    • Vitamin B3 (as Niacinamide) 15mg 94%
    • Vitamin B6 (as Pyridoxine HCL) 1.25mg 125%
    • Vitamin B12 (as Methylcobalamin) 4mcg 166%
    • Vitamin D3 (as Cholecalciferol) 5mcg 25%
    • Vitamin A (as Acetate) 450 mcg 50%
    • Vitamin E (as Acetate) 12.5 mcg 83%
    • Vitamin K1 (as Phylloquinone) 50mcg 41%
    • Vitamin B1 (as Thiamin) 1mg 83%
    • Vitamin B2 (as Riboflavin) 1.05mg 81%
    • Folate (as 5 Methyltetrahydrofolate) 200mcg 50%
    • Biotin 30mcg 100%

    *Percent Daily Values based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
    †Daily Values (DV) not established

    Other Ingredients: Grass-Fed Whey Protein Isolate, Xylitol (Natural Birch), Non-Fat Dry Milk, Prebiotic VitaFiber® (IMO), Coconut Oil (MCT) 50%, Natural Flavors, Sea Salt, Xanthan Gum, Stevia Leaf Extract, Omega-3 Fatty Acid (from Flaxseed), Monk Fruit

    Contains: Milk, Tree Nut (Coconut), Soy (Lecithin)

    Note: Contents filled by weight, not volume. Keep in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children. If pregnant or nursing, consult a healthcare professional before use.

    Manufactured in Utah, USA. We are committed to continuously improving our ingredients. For most updated ingredients, please see the packaging label. Learn more about our ingredients here.

    Protein Powder for Kids | Kids Protein Drinks (59)



    Protein Powder for Kids | Kids Protein Drinks (60)

    Protein Powder for Kids | Kids Protein Drinks (61)

    Powered by Protein


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    Protein Powder for Kids | Kids Protein Drinks (62)

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    Frequently asked questions

    Questions? We've got answers

    Will your protein powder upset my stomach if I can't handle whey very well?

    The whey protein isolate we use is cold pressed and cross-filtered and 99% of casein is removed from the product. The non-fat dry milk we use goes through the same process. Having the lactose, casein, and caseinates removed makes our protein powder easier on your digestive track. Many people who are sensitive to whey have reported that they are able to enjoy our Clean Simple Eats Protein Powder!

    When is the best time of day to drink your protein powder?

    This all depends on you, your schedule and your day-to-day activity! We do recommend you get in some fast-absorbing protein (like CSE Protein Powder!) within 30 minutes of working out, but feel to drink in the benefits whenever it fits into your daily routine!

    Can your protein powder be used as a meal replacement?

    We recommend adding some carbs/fat on the side or in a blender with our Protein Powder to make a shake and balance out your diet. You can find tons of recipe ideas (and start a 1-month free trial) in our CSE+ app.

    Is your protein powder tested for heavy metals?

    Every single batch of our Protein Powder is tested for precision, potency, and purity, including contaminants like microbes, heavy metals, pathogens, and pesticides in ISO-certified labs.

    What is the best way to store my protein powder?

    We recommend storing your protein powder in the bag it came in a cool, dry place.

    What's the difference between your regular protein powder and your kid's protein powder?

    Our Kid's Protein Powder is designed for growing bodies of kids ages 2-12+. It contains 10g of protein (vs. 20g in our regular protein powders), but it also has 36 vitamins and minerals, plus probiotics, and omega-3 fatty acids to aid in digestion.

    Can I take CSE Protein Powder mixed with other CSE supplements?

    Heck yes! In fact, we highly encourage you to stack our CSE supplements together to make them even better!

    Find more answers on our Help Center page.

    Protein Powder for Kids | Kids Protein Drinks (2024)


    Is protein powder safe for kids to drink? ›

    Unless a child is taking in excessively high levels of protein, the drinks themselves are unlikely to be harmful. However, if these drinks and shakes are used to replace regular meals, children may be deprived of vital nutrients that they might find in other foods.

    Can I put protein powder in kids smoothie? ›

    Protein powders may be enticing as a fix for picky eaters, as they're easy to whip into a fruit smoothie. However, for most children they're unnecessary and potentially harmful.

    What age should kids start drinking protein shakes? ›

    And as far as the age goes, there really is no minimum age. Kids as young as 4 or 5 years old can drink protein shakes,” says Sonali. Sonali also addressed the issue of children lifting weights. “Once again there is no scientific backing to the claim that children should not be lifting weights.

    What protein powder is good for picky eaters? ›

    PediaSure SideKicks shakes are a nutritious choice to help balance out a picky eater's uneven diet, and contain fewer calories and less fat than PediaSure Grow & Gain.

    Can kids drink Premier protein shakes? ›

    Kids need protein to maintain muscles and bones. Protein is important for your children's growth and development. But just because they need it doesn't mean they want to eat it. To help kids, especially active ones, get enough protein, Premier Protein® 's delicious, nutrient-packed shakes and bars are a great choice.

    What is the best ready made protein shake for kids? ›

    Else Nutrition Plant Protein Nutritional Shake for Kids is our top pick because of its nutritional profile, good taste, third-party testing, and quality ingredients.

    Can kids have adult orgain protein powder? ›

    Most adult protein powder serving sizes are too much for a young child. Kids require about 1-1.5 grams of protein for every 2 lbs of weight. This may be lower or higher depending on their activity level, we recommend consulting with a Registered Dietician specifically if this is a question!

    How much protein do kids need? ›

    How do I know if my child is getting enough protein?
    AgeGrams of protein per day
    Children 4 to 8 years19g
    Children 9 to 13 years34g
    Teens 14 to 18 years Boys52g
    Teens 14 to 18 years Girls46g
    1 more row
    Jul 1, 2021

    Are protein shakes good for kids with ADHD? ›

    Protein. Protein is an important macronutrient for children with ADHD. 7 Eating protein enables their bodies to make the neurotransmitters (chemical messengers in the brain) needed for focus, attention, and calmness. Whey protein is one protein type that has been proven to help reduce ADHD symptoms.

    Is pea protein powder ok for kids? ›

    Overall, pea protein can be a great addition to a child's diet. It provides a variety of benefits, from muscle growth and bone health to immune system support and digestive health.

    Are protein powders ok for kids? ›

    Yes, but any protein powder that contributes to surpassing the recommended daily intake for protein should be avoided. The best protein powder for kids is one that is easily digested, like a collagen liquid protein shot, but you should still be conscious of exceeding daily limits.

    How can I increase my child's weight? ›

    Tips to help your child gain weight
    1. include more starchy carbohydrates such as potatoes, bread or rice in meals.
    2. increase their calorie intake with healthy fats – add grated cheese to meals and make porridge with milk.
    3. give them high-calorie drinks in between meals, such as milkshakes or smoothies.

    What are high protein foods for kids? ›

    High-protein foods include:

    Meats - beef, chicken, fish, turkey, lamb. Milk and cheese - yogurt, cottage cheese, cream cheese.

    Why is protein powder not recommended for under 18? ›

    We all get enough protein from the food we eat; any protein that your body doesn't use will be removed through your kidneys. Protein powders are not recommended for young people as your kidneys are still growing and developing. By giving your body more protein, it puts extra strain on your kidneys and can damage them.

    Is 3 year old protein powder safe? ›

    Many protein powder makers list an expiration date of 2 years after production, likely due to additives that extend their shelf life. Having it shortly after an expiration date is likely safe if there are no signs it's gone bad.

    Can you give a boost to a child? ›

    Can I give Boost to my 3-year-old child? Boost is designed to fit the nutritional requirements of 6 to 18 year olds.

    Can a 10 year old eat protein bars? ›

    Another important point Dr. Hes made is that while protein bars should be fine for children if not eaten in excess, too much protein in the diet should be watched, as it could cause kidney stones. Overall, protein bars should be OK to give to children as an occasional snack.

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    Author: Corie Satterfield

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    Name: Corie Satterfield

    Birthday: 1992-08-19

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    Job: Sales Manager

    Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

    Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.