pending poems 141  (2024)

pending poems 141

this is work in progress or homilies or miscellaneousitems

that don’t warrant a page by themselves

orseem tofit betterhere

pending poems index

chronological order is from the bottom to the top of the page

audio files can be complemented by listening to them withthe eyesclosed!

tattoos in the long term cause health problems, the art is always ghastly and the owners are always oblivious to the first two mentions

also in some countries its tantamount to advertisingyourself as a gangmember orcriminal!

tattoos in the long term cause health problems, the art is always ghastly and the owners are always oblivious to the first two mentions

also in some countries its tantamount to advertising yourself as a criminal organgmember!

tattoos in the long term cause health problems, the art is always ghastly and the owners are always oblivious to the first two mentions

tattoos in the long term cause health problems, the art is always ghastly and the owners are always oblivious to the first two items

endless the sea of wisdom, not so endless that thedirty foam spittlebugs donʼt cast their vanishing nonsense everywhere

both ludwigwittgenstein and martinheidegger conceded that philosophy was superceded by poetry and jacquesderrida became downright mystical in his lateryears!

i already am where these three gentlemen aspire

both ludwigwittgenstein and martinheidegger conceded that philosophy was superceded by poetry and jacquesderrida became downright mystical in his lateryears!

i already am where these three gentlemen aspireto!

both ludwigwittgenstein and martinheidegger conceded that philosophy was superceded by poetry and jacquesderrida became downright mystical in his lateryears!

i already am where these gentlemen aspireto!

it is a sign of great inner insecurity to be hostile totheunfamiliar

anais nin

magical realism isactualrealism!

magical realism isactualrealism

zen is based on quality investigative reading andquestioning andsolitarycontemplation to step into another reality, once you have been there and remembered it, nothingisthesame!

its the stepping into that other reality that is convincing, nothing else cutsit

it can happen spontaneously inchildren, iʼm pretty sure it canʼt happen that way as an adult hence theworkneeded

its a wisdom born of pain anddysfunction

let the babbling fools froth their bloody bubbles forever

limiting your horizons doesnʼt make it zen!





limiting your horizons doesnʼt make it zen!

limiting your horizons doesnʼt make it zen

zen is phoney, zen masters are phoney, this patriarch alone isreal!


zen is phoney, zen masters are phoney, this patriarch alone isreal!


zen is phoney, zen masters are phoney, this patriarch alone isreal!

in the alice stories (and also sylvie and bruno!) we tend to treat the fact its a dream as secondary, butit*not, its thesolipsism

its the solpisistunderpining

in the alice stories (and also sylvie and bruno!) we tend to treat the fact its a dream as secondary, butit*not, its the solpisistunderpining

in the alice stories (and also sylvie and bruno!) we tend to treat the fact its a dream as secondary, butit*not, its thesolipsism

the brain is a machine in a dream!

the brain is a machine in a dream!

the brain is a machine in a dream

writing is a machine icanʼt stop!

writing is a machine icanʼt stop

writing is a machine, icanʼt stop!

writing is a machine, icanʼt stop

writing is a machine!

writing is a machine

writing is a machine, icanʼt stop!

writing is a machine, icanʼt stop

writing is a machine icanʼt stop!

writing is a machine icanʼt stop

writing is a machine!

writing is a machine

life failure and not success is enlightenment!

life failure and not success is enlightenment

failure and not success isenlightenment!

failure and not success is enlightenment

life failure is enlightenment!

life failure is enlightenment

failure is enlightenment!

failure is enlightenment

life is crazy enough without adding your stupidity tomine!

life is crazy enough without adding your stupidity tomine

life is difficult enough without adding your stupidity tomine!

life is difficult enough without adding your stupidity tomine

schizophrenic—OCD —autistic

these things make a great zen master of course, only you (ed. ewk) fillthem in thewrongway!

schizophrenic—OCD —autistic

these things make a great zen master of course, only you (ed. ewk) fillthem in thewrongway!

ewk, letʼs say “enlightenment” is acertain competence

you canʼt see what of the zen records are screwed up andwhatarenʼt

that doesnʼt make for competence!

you have no original expression of your own and if the zen records and stories donʼt tell you thatʼs oftheutmost importance, again

that doesnʼt make for competence!

ewk, youʼre not enlightened, sowhypretend?

get some enlightenment and stop dribbling the same sh*t everyday, youare schizophrenic, shouldnʼt that worryyou?

“practicing shikantaza is like being a young boy in an antique shop with my mother: ‘look but donʼt touch!!’

but itʼs so hard not to...”

what touches is also what is touched, do you see the problem, the 7th zen patriarch calls shikantaza “instructionless” meditation!

i get sick of people expecting me to validate their brainless stupid sh*t and then use me forentertainment—



i get sick of people expecting me to validate their brainless stupid sh*t and then use me forentertainment—



i get sick of people expecting me to validate their brainless stupid sh*t and then use me forentertainment—

i get sick of people expecting me to validate their brainless stupid sh*t and then use me forentertainment

Brad Warner made several bad mistakes with the way he ran the comments section of the/his hardcore zen blog

the first and biggest was banning me as he doesnʼt understand zen and i do and if he cared toletme run he would have had a lot of very good advice available tohim ontap̲̱̱

the second was you need to reply to at least half the posts and where necessary knock people back and if they are completely obdurate and just abusively using you, remove them ̱̱.

i used to think that he knew what he was doing with his almost completely hands off approach butreally histouch was totally maladroit as thecommenters simply used his reputation and attracting readers with his oped style writings/posts to validate their stupid poisonous sh*t and it took several really offensive posts to one of the rare women commenters for him tosee there was amajorissue

it doesnʼt seem there are any easy rules for managing the blog comments section, there is a necessity of micromangement, so its labour intensive ̲̱ ̱ you need to get a return on your time foryourefforts

harriet chino gave you good advice from the inside of zen!

topic for a debate : metaphysical solipsism is most likely true

is truth a context for metaphysical solipsism or


metaphysical solipsism





napoleon lost at waterloo because of severe errors of judgement, his generalship ability obviously wasgone through health and neurocognitive issues before the russiancampaign

in fact it was never necessary for the allies to fight waterloo!

why should i voluntarily talk toidiots!

why should i voluntarily talk toidiots?!

why should i voluntarily talk toidiots?

why should i voluntarily talk toidiots

i think zen masters are a fiction, thereʼs only a zen patriarch and thatʼs me!

i think zen masters are a fiction, thereʼs only a zen patriarch and thatʼs me!

i think zen masters are a fiction, thereʼs only a zen patriarch andthatʼsme

ewk, many years ago, when blood still ran in your veins and not tea you must have had a sense ofhumor!

go looking forit!

many years ago, when blood still ran in your veins and not tea you must have had a sense ofhumor!

go looking forit!


what do we do? wefight

but carefully choreographed of course, the technological underpinnings are just amazing!

human simplicity, men fight, women fight and dollars are handed over to pollute the mind withrubbish!

seeing things without distortion is being taught!

seeing things without distortion is being taught!

seeing things without distortion is being taught

it goes nowhere because it goes somewhere!

it goes nowhere because itgoes somewhere!

it goes nowhere because itgoes somewhere

yeah, it goes nowhere because itgoes somewhere!

yeah, it goes nowhere because itgoes somewhere!

yeah, it goes nowhere because itgoessomewhere

“when you come home after euthanizing a pet, there is a brief sense of shock when you realize there’s no longer anyone to fret over. you can put the IV stand with its bag of intravenous fluids away, wash the dish that had held the syringes full of medicine, and tidy up the sloven corners where your now-dead pet had been accustomed tonap”

drips for cats? thatʼs like futureshock!

ewk, do me a favour, putme on your ʻignoreʼlist!

or do i bite too hard, myjaw has a power youcanʼtignore?

ewk, do me a favour, putme on your ʻignoreʼlist!

or do i bite too hard, myjaw has a power youcanʼtignore?

ewk, do me a favour, putme on your ʻignoreʼlist!

or do i bite too hard, myjaw has a power youcanʼtignore

i woke up this morning quite late (11am) after waking earlier then going back to sleep, and it was out of an incredibly vivid dream, so intense as to be like out of a maxfield parrish painting, visionary

a man was with two women in a town, one of whom he had broken up with six months ago after a long relationship, theother a lover from a brief relationship many years previous and just previous to the recent ex, he appeared to be travelling with them, thistown were they were was a stop ontheirtrip, maybe the association was looser, he wasnʼt travelling with them but for all, this stop in the town wastemporary..

the two women hitchhiked to go further and got picked up by a truckdriver, theman somehow saw or knew this

however the town was very beautiful and the man wandered aroundinit admiring thebeautifultrees, gardens and locality generally

then the women came back and the man knew that the recent ex had had sex with the truckdriver (the man had a lowopinion of the woman inthatrespect, she knew how to be hurtful)

now he more than suspected that his recent ex had been unfaithful possibly a handful of times to him over the course of the relationship but he had never asked and indeed doubted he would get atruthfulanswer

knowing about her liaison with the truck driver he for some reason took the opportunity to ask about her faithfulness during the relationship which in the blurred manner of dreams and visions may still have been a current relationship, a ex in real life and in relationship in thedream..

in reply she flashed a series of picture cards ofimages from the time during their relationship that were happy events and this he took and told her, since she did not answer his question directly, tobe anadmission of the unfaithfulness!

now back out of the dream to much later in the day, it occurred to me that there were two sides to this, that the relationship did have some real times of depth and happiness or interest and that wasvalid..

she may well have loved him in an uneven way and that didnʼt change nor did those times together

he was actually happier by himself and his time wandering around that strange beautiful town had an extraordinary intensity, onapar with the interview and flashingcards.. perhapsbrighter..

in the dream the man had turned to the lover from the brief relationship many years previously foradvice, still have to work that one out..

“iʼm afraid this is just notyourday myfriend”

dota2nub follows me around, using my phrases and then when he posts all he can do is tell me howwrong i am, donʼt be likethat!

dota2nub follows me around, using my phrases and then when he posts all he can do is tell me howwrong i am, donʼt be likethat

ewk, why would anyone prefer zen obfuscated “tardism” tophiliplarkin!?

he eats zen masters alive

only the extremely unimaginative and blinkered could think suchathing!

ed. ewk claiming that a wumen poem would mess with an english literature teacher familiar with philiplarkin

yeah, you are a “silentillumination” heretic, its not entirely invalid, but you are just in a hubricsnarl!

“I sit lots”

yeah but you canʼt see yourself!

it always puzzles me how you people who "meditate" have a sort of fractured lack of self awareness but the neurobiological underpinnings of the brain "defaultcircuit" does it explain it in terms of tracking too deep in existing mental patterns and ruts ofthinking!

youʼve been caught and canʼt see it, but what kills is reading nonsense like alan watts and the endless middling zen bullsh*t like shunryusuzuki!

plainly if you are replying to me and have difficulty with what i am saying, you are not "accepting life asitis"..

me i certainly donʼt accept life as it is, never have and wonʼt till mylastbreath!

the effect of the default circuit entrainment like you suffer from, ewk has the same problem, you wonʼt ever lift out unfortunately, as likely as ewk "seeingthelight" lol

your approach is very "soto", i can see brad warnerʼs issues with default circuitry entrainment and really hakuinʼs approach was developed in the context of his experience and awareness of the problems, which from his vendective sound like a zen cultural malaise!

i would love for your view of the world to be the case, life would just be some easy dream!

oh the misfortune thatit*not!

hakuinʼs criticisms have been validated in modernneurobiology!


basically sitting or solitary contemplation needs to be tempered with quality reading so you donʼt get stuck inruts!

hakuinʼs koan system was an attempt to get monks minds re-engaged in some sort of philosophical orproblem solving process, but it itself became just another victim ofrigidity!

“teachers” and “students” are an illusion!

its like a false problem that only arises if you think “understand” is a structured plateau that has embedded buildings that can be viewed and recovered in some objective unchangingform!

this is religion

the true zen that the great masters point to is “process”

this reply is like that, itself is process talking about process, thereis nofixed position!

sepehr asks

could you further clarify on what you mean by solipsism?

do you mean metaphysical, epistemological, or methodological solipsism?

i have a hard time accepting metaphysical solipsism, but you claim its possible because of parallelrealities?


r e p l y

below is a good quote off the web

in respect of metaphysical solipsism, everything is part of the constituents of mind (the synchronic entirety of the constituents of conscious experience), even the idea that“this” mind may not be allthereis

that leaves open the logically possible scenarios that “this” mind is “allthereis”, and that “this” mind isnʼt “allthereis”

how can this be judged given only the constituents of “this”mind?

sepehr comments

what a koan...


r e p l y

yeah, it goes nowhere because itgoes somewhere!

urine colour is a lot to do with how the fluid intake is varying versus fluidloss bysweating!

urine colour is a lot to do with how the fluid intake is varying versus fluid loss bysweating

the whole problem of zen is it is a polished system ofbullsh*t!

the whole problem of zen is it is a polished system ofbullsh*t

“would asking for teaching here on r/zen be inappropriate?”

thereʼs no agreement on a uniform ‘whatzenisʼ, it can be “there is nothing toteach”, ie “buji zen” or a complex accretion of ceremonies, hierarchies and methodologies like koans andzazen!

in other words there is a range of approaches each denying the validity of the others, religion inmicrocosm infact!:o)

my experience is that what zen isreally about isselftaught and in that context itake teaching fromanyone, includingewk!:o)

a respondent comments: iappreciate your perspective on this. iʼmbecoming convinced acarnivalmirror may be one of my bestteachers

my reply : to see things without the distortion is beingtaught!

enlightenment is a modification of schizophrenia, so it makes sense you are going to see theotherform inzen, rank orunmodified!

enlightenment is a mutation of schizophrenia, so it makes sense you are going to see theotherform inzen, rank orunmodified!

“what do you make of the sweating horses of the past?”

be a sweating horse of thepresent?

my re-translation of the opening verse of the faith mind sutra!

the way of understanding is attainable, one must be objective andfair!

donʼt be biased and you will naturally arrive there

“just avoid picking andchoosing”

the way of understanding is attainable, one must be objective andfair!

donʼt be biased and you will naturally arrive there

“yeah, but how can you cease bias?”

when you put in solitary contemplative time you start to understand yourself and destructive biases !

how what we think is “good” is an unconcious reflex almost, then after a while you somewhat see when you are doing it !

basically its a more overall view and an understanding that what you get comes as a whole and it doesnʼt make sense to pick it apart and try and extract what suits one in most cases

reddit zen suits me because it provides me material to work on and ewk, muju, dot2nub, healthspin, tostono and hubricity are all a part of that and i myself am not excluded !

what is apparently negative can also be a positive !

“is it wise to still say good, bad, positive and negative? if we swap them often enough, is that the same as just washing dishes? iʼd like to try it. interested to hear your thoughts”

its not really like washing the dishes, you just put more thought into it, weigh things and look forward to the next stage in the process of understanding something

“just avoid picking andchoosing”

the way of understanding is attainable, one must be objective andfair!

donʼt be biased and you will naturally arrive there

the way of understanding is attainable, one must be objective andfair!

donʼt be biased and you will naturally arrive there

when you fight on-line you create the whiny ass bitch?

i think the problem is people donʼt understand their subject!

when you donʼt understand your subject you are going to spend all your time fighting because you donʼt know how to discuss!

this has always been the story of religion!

what zen master was passive-aggressive?





what zen master was passive-aggressive?


what zen master was passive-aggressive?

what zen master was passive-aggressive

the core activities of 7th patriarch zen are quality reading and getting some contemplative solitarytime and actually getting out in natural beauty when its feasible

attention to diet and in my view drug experiences are not helpful and carry the risk of braindamage

i have a blog you are welcome to discuss thison

“on reddit, whoever has the time and the obsession can prolong fights forever!”

while their health holds up, when it doesnʼt they dropout and swirlout of existance like what they did there neverhappened!

very zen but really the wrong way for those claiming some sort ofmastery!

“on reddit, whoever has the time and the obsession can prolong fights forever!”

while their health holds up, when it doesnʼt they dropout and swirlout existance like what they did there neverhappened!

very zen but really the wrong way for those claiming some sort ofmastery!

when you fight, you create the enemy!

when you fight, you create the enemy!

when you fight, you create the enemy!

when you fight, you create the enemy

“are you telling me iʼll never be enlightened and should just crawl back to a mundane life of reallife?”

you can see it on this subreddit, everyone thinks iʼm crazy and a fair portion want megone

the viewpoint is too different, you are a social outcast..

the consequences of enlightenment are too frightening foryou..

i never have recommended it..

what people call zen and what they do is some sort of proxy system like ceremonies or comfy alanwatts bullsh*t that they can act in or waffle on without ever engaging anythingreal..

ewk, one day you wonʼt post on reddit zen and who apart from you will care if you can even think that clearly about your situation orarenʼtdead?

muju will outlast you, proof of there being nojustice!

one day you wonʼt post on reddit zen and who apart from you will care if you can even think that clearly about your situation orarenʼtdead?

ewk, why not stop posting and confront yourlife?

take your own advice if you wonʼt take mine

i always do when i post like that, i think “yeah”

why not stop posting and confront yourlife?

take your own advice if you wonʼt take mine

i always do when i post like that, i think “yeah”

why not stop posting and confront yourlife?

why not stop posting and confront your life

“you donʼt think meditation is about stopping thinking?”

well thatʼs the “silentillumination” heresy isnʼt it, strongly criticized in authenticquarters over themanycenturies, hakuinʼs vendective against it is illuminating and vicious!

“you donʼt think meditation is about stopping thinking?”

well thatʼs the “silentillumination” heresy isnʼt it, strongly criticized in authenticquarters overthecenturies, hakuinʼs vendective against it is illuminating and vicious!

the word meditation is like zen or god, they are in the public domain and mean whatever theculture and person ascribe toit!

if i were to take the word i would say it means a sort of solitary contemplative mode..

iʼd rather not explain what communalobjectivity means, its very dependent on a certain context, somethingto meditate on!

the word meditation is like zen or god, they are in the public domain and mean whatever theculture and person ascribe toit!

if i was to take the word i would say it means a sort of solitary contemplative mode..

iʼd rather not explain what communalobjectivity means, its very dependent on a certain context, somethingto meditate on!

is alzheimers insanity?

is alzheimers insanity

is dementia insanity?

is dementia insanity

what the school system does istragic!

its an indoctrination system ofidioacy

it also has a contrary effect on its supposed aim, making children employable and successful inlaterlife!

it takes twenty years from leaving the school system to get some of the worst misinformation outofyourhead!


you donʼt really think for yourself and actually a lot of what is taught is not a “fairrepresentation” of “currentscientific understanding”

i have met people who have had a qualityprivate or homeschooling and the difference is obvious, likedayandnight!

what the school system does istragic!

the truth of “suddenenlightenment” is its visionary, if its notvisionary, it doesnʼt impact enough and you will end up like ewk and his buji ilk, some dull flat and literally empty version of zen, puling humanism/atheism/slackarse thinking..a questioner asks “visionary?”this is why people are so sceptical and indeed inever believed in the possibility, itjust happened, obviously one has to work at the sort of questions that give rise to what happenszen if it is a doctrine and iguess it is, is a doctrine of both sudden and gradual enlightenment because that's theroad..the world like you is sceptical and disbelieving..but it only ever means anything to yourself, thatʼs your surety and the flip flapping morons just mill and buzz around like ill dysfunctional bees..----------------------its just like any other form of problem solving, you are trying to work life out and fortunately for me ihad been interested and doing this process for years before comingacrosszenthis was through qualityreading ofliterature, mystics andpoetrywhere zen really helps was some of the more useful records and weekly meditation and a yearlyretreat (sesshin)the one thing that was really poisonous which ihave spent decades now undoing is “getting” that most zen is voynich crap and 99% of zenteachers are asininefools, fooling themselves and me because they pickup asophisticated “patterning” tool kit designed over thousands of years topullthewool over youreyesunless you are celibate and zen was a celibate tradition you just can't give it enough intensity and iadvise a different more ‘wisdomliterature’ approach for “marriedwithkids” ----------------------thereʼs a lot of very good new scientific research on the web, its hard slog but the scientific viewpoint ihave now is very different from what is taught in school, multiple universes for example, obviously F=MA in the newtoniancontext doesnʼtchange!of interest is how far medicine lags behind current research, i have seen it said it takes 20years for a new understanding to get taught in the medicalschools!

science is one of the modern wonders, when you see what people used to think about howthe worldworks

but from the mystical and “enlightenment” point of view, great mystics like heracl*tus and john of the cross had what are to our eyes quite crazy world views in some respects, but their grasp of what they were doing isuntouched!

the very success of science has created a social belief in material reality as being all thereis..

in fact its just a subset, albeit a very well worked out one!


i quite like george bowman and joko beck is ok in parts, though she certainly can be very schizophrenic

one teacher i thought was head and shoulders above the rest and i did travel to stay at the springwater center when she was there, istonipacker

i used to listen to her taped talks endlessly

then i sort of “outgrew” her, which is how it should be..

lol AMA territory!:o)


but if you read the zen records with the right eye you can see that true understanding is very rare, maybe once in a generation, its that sort ofscarcity!

for instance huang-po and ta-hui were not fully enlightened in my view butjoshuis!

thatʼs another thing, joshsuʼs zen takes a long life, so that sort of understanding is necessarily not there foreveryone, no matter how hard they work or what natural facility theyhave!


the true zen and mysticism is basically solipsism with a dash of communal objectivity!

accurate descriptions of how the world works are helpful but not essential!

does that make sense?

its quite illuminating to look at the world views ofdifferent historicalcultures

chinese taoism and their mania for gambling, the truly loony egyptian book ofthedead

the half right half wrong of the ancient greeks..

and our diamond of modern science

but thereʼs nothing except solipsism, you'll never understand that without visionary experiences because the vision places a new “supernatural” reality overall!

this “supernatural’ reality is the ultimate reality, without the visionary it will never seem thatway..


zen is interesting and of course it starts with the sixth patriarch, because its basically a tradition of“illiterate” teachers..

so you are dealing with transcriptions, memories and perhaps hundreds of years before it all comes out as part of the lamp records or whatever

this is the big glaring mistake just about everyone in zen makes, is they jump in with their christian “absolutist” scriptural biases and plant a foundation based on these “records”, well the reality is they are pretty loose sand..

so its the work of decades to sort things out and as ihavesaid before, without the “innervision” you just canʼt do it, you have to make a fit between what was said or recorded and what theinnervision matches..

text Q&A on redditzen

the truth of “suddenenlightenment”

is its visionary, if its not visionary, it doesnʼt impact enough and you will end up like ewk and his buji ilk, some dull flat and literally empty version of zen, puling humanism/atheism/slackarse thinking..the truth of “suddenenlightenment” is its visionary, if its not visionary, it doesnʼt impact enough and you will end up like ewk and his buji ilk, some dull flat and literally empty version of zen, puling humanism/atheism/slackarse thinking.ewk posting the same thing 20 to 40 times a day for more than four years in the same forum is a “mentalhealth” problembasically its diagnostic of schizophrenia because you donʼt listenzen master ji kwang spews some pompouscrap“if even one being is still entangled in their difficulties and suffering, then we must put on our robe and practice Zen together” “a blah blah blah does not blah blah blah” a “crapartist” does not answer “directly”?a “crapartist” does not answer “directly”?a crapartist does not answer directly ?a crapartist does not answer directlysome idiot pontificating on you tubecompletely repulsive, how can one be so repulsive and vacuous?tell us your secret?read sh*t and regurgitateit?

humans, passive aggressive



in circ*mstances



humans, passive aggressive



in circ*mstances



humans, passive aggressive, stupid, nobody in circ*mstances they like

humans, passive aggressive, stupid

i am no stranger to pain, all my life i have had thump your head migraine!

i am no stranger to pain, all my life i have had thump your head migraine!

i am no stranger to pain, all my life i have had thump your head migraine!

i am no stranger to pain, all my life i have had thump your head migraine

what is the non-essence of essential?

what is the essential of non-essential?


a paper


what is the non-essence of essential?

what is the essence of non-essential?


a paper


what is the non-essence of essential?

what is the essential of non-essence?




the stuff i write is rough because it is designed to take you outside the bounds of conventional social reality

the stuff i write is rough because its designed to take you outside the bounds of conventional social reality

one day you wake up and

zen is full of retarded idiots saying “pointing at the moon”.. pointing at the moon saying“pointing at.. the”..moon

and guess what

they are pointing at a paperlantern!

“oh thatʼs the moon for sure..”

maybe iʼve got better things to do than tease the mentally ill, maybeidonʼt!:o()

maybe iʼve got better things to do than tease the mentally ill, maybeidonʼt!:o()

maybe iʼve got better things to do than tease the mentally ill, maybeidonʼt!:o()

maybe iʼve got better things to do than tease the mentally ill, maybeidonʼt!

maybe iʼve got better things to do than tease the mentally ill, maybeidonʼt

kobun&maya (maya was kobun chinoʼs daughter with his second wife, katrin) were drowned in2002 when kobun attempted to come to her aid after she fell into aswimmingpool!

harriet chinoʼs advice on zen to bradwarner

I donʼt think most Zen students (orteachers) are that perceptive or intelligent, though, and so I would not solicit just a slew of opinions (ed. the comments section on bradʼs blog which he had justclosed)

Most Zen students are, as described in one of your books, simply followers who have an intense need to give up responsibility for their own lives and become dependent/submissive in relation to some “Zen teacher ormaster”

Really, Brad, you might want to consider getting out of the Zen business

if you are just going to just give bossy dictates and have noability to dialogue evenslightly what then?

brad warner has closed the comments section on his blog, they are such dull poisonous stupids theyactually cost him reputation but brad is also a bit stupid and no doubt will open it upagain

i know for myself how much work the comments sections of blogs are, really three or four posting is about the right number in terms of what can be managed andisfruitful!

jason writes

castrated some piglets this morning, had four testicl*s after and definitely felt a testosterone increase lateron

could be trouble, i was about to start wishing forawoman

from the lamp records

zhaozhou/joshu asked nanquan/nasen : whatis theway?

nanquan replied : thenormal mind istheway

zhaozhou asked : canit be approached deliberately?

nanquan pontificated : ifyou try to aim for it, you thereby turn away from it

zhaozhou asked : ifone does not try, howcan one know itistheway?

nanquan replied : theway is not in the province of knowledge, yet not in the province of unknowing. knowledge is false consciousness, unknowing is indifference. if you really arrive at the inimitable way, it is like space, empty and open; how can you insist in affirmation and denial?

at these words, zhaozhou was suddenly enlightened


c o m m e n t

god this is toxic perverted sh*t, noworse than the retards who lapitup and pretend retardationisintelligence isuppose

a corrupt twisting distortion of the cardinal error, communal objectivism!

i'm rewriting it to bring some solipsistic sanity back into this filth and its purveyors!

zhaozhou/joshu asked nanquan/nasen : whatis theway?

nanquan replied : stillposting your bullsh*t on redditzen?

zhaozhou asked : canit be approached deliberately?

nanquan asked/replied: approach what deliberately? whoapproaches?

zhaozhou asked : ifone does not try, howcan one know itistheway?

nanquan replied : looking ahead, there is noway, you can only see where youhavebeen!

at these words, zhaozhou was suddenly enlightened

actually its sorta funny to look at my version as a reddit zen dialogue with zhaozhou posting on reddit, must have wifi!:o)

ewk and tostono, itsgood to see two madmen arguing witheachother!

leave them and reddit zen to it, isay!


“all the teachings arewithinyou”— ayuanwu quote!

in actual fact the socalled zen records are mostly so garbled and nonsensical your only recourse is get enlightened so youhavethe interior vision to make sense of them ..

so you need to look at the wide range of other quality mystical and wisdom literature andpoetry

otherwise you will just endup as bleating sheep on a message board calledr/zen!:o)

jason asks

was your dia kensho experiences sudden?

were you praying?

what led to them?


r e p l y

theyʼre just something that happens, you may not even work out they are significant untildecadeslater!

theyʼre actually a bit stressful, i think i prefer life without them but they are also beauty andtruth andinacelibatelife, thatʼs all thereis!

i have been thinking lately about this: “one is all, all is one”

life needs death and death needs life


r e p l y

all ainʼt one and




life is death and death is life

puzzle this out




all ainʼt one and one ainʼt all

life is death and death is life

puzzle this out

you mangy


“what are your interests?”

iʼm not going to save you from being boring!

“sincere effort counts for a lot”

iʼm not sure there is such a thing as sincere effort and actually only results matter

the problem is the misplaced time that sincere but futile effort results in!

otherwise the wanking on reddit zen would be ok since by the lights of most who post there they are being sincere, but since the result is them just digging themselves deeper in a ditch (tostono!) allthatʼs happened is they dwell in a cesspool catchment when they could be doing other, far more life productive things!

“iʼm not so sure, iʼm retired, so maybe its just me, but i'm not so concerned about results. i do appreciate sincerity and consistent effort. toeach hisown”

yeah thatʼs a conventional “married with kids view” and why celibate zen isdifferent

sincere, insincere, its all grist to the zen celibate mill, thereʼs only you that can get damaged!

years ago when i first starting sitting with a weekly zen group, the de fatco leader of the group never seemed to make any progress or having any real understanding ofzen

he was a musician and had a very good ear and it wasnʼt until many years later and having heard the abysmal chanting of other groups that made me realise how good our very small group was on themusicalside

once i met his family, a wife and two daughters and they were the most wonderful gracious people and i thought, jim you have hit the jackpot with your family, no wonder your zen isamess!

you canʼt do two life essential things well!

“so you recommend people donʼt supplement with MSM?”

thereʼs some depends like whether you have mercury amalgam fillings and how much large fish you eat (ie you have high mercury levels—in which case msm ala nac etc is verydestructive)

i have taken small doses occasionally which may have been beneficial, but i have never had any mercuryfillings!

i did take small doses every day and it made my tendons too loose, my legs got a touch “floppy”

yeah i think small occasional doses of MSM havetheirplace


i have seen a lot of people damaged by chelation!

“ come sources say MSM is as safe as water and you can't overdose?”

the health scene on thenet is full of wrongminded crazies

endlessly circling the same point with people (arguing) may indicate that we are both simply attatched to different points of view

my own experience of the “circling” is that is will what happen unless enough work is put into the issue ofconcern

because zen is so demanding in terms of the necessary work, everyone ends up “circling” of which r/zen is some sort of pastiche/exemplar

the reality of the great zen masters is they were all celibate (iknow ikkyu is held up as an example of celibacy not being necessary, but in fact he was basically celibate until thirty and while good, heʼsnotquite in the top rank likejoshu!)

family and kids requires a different approach, the freedom of celibacy allows one to damage or be damaged in ways conducive for zen inquiry, no sane man would do that to those heloves!

the norwegian writer karl ove knausgård who is currently having some commercial success talks about this problem of his writing being hurtful and the process itself being hurtful to his family.. themoney now coming in of course remedies the situation, butit wasnʼt always likethat!

sepehr asks

what is your favorite childrenʼs picture book?

my reply

maxfieldparrish is my favourite artist and for stories, and poems, lewis carroll/charles dodgson

sepehr i know you think i am an idiot but maxfieldparrish did childrenʼs book illustrations and is the best ihaveseen!

do a google image search, you can see the paintings that obviously are done for childrenʼsstories!

i think he only illustrated and didnʼt write thestories

heʼs very well known and there is heaps of info about him ontheweb!

an idea might be to take a painting of his, egdaybreak and write asort of wangwei “peachblossom” story around it, children stumbling into a“peach blossom/daybreak world” theiradventures then then losing their way and that world, coming back to their own time and space and the memory gently fading becoming more unreal as their lives progress, perhaps with hints of strange synchronicities to their previousadventures..

you can stick anything you like in that world, mani, kibir, al-maʼarri, the thing is you have it on the visual backgound ofthepaintings

what good does it do to complain about thepast?

you canʼt change it and as time goes along its relevance disappears

what good does it do to complain about thepast?

you canʼt change it and as time goes along its relevance fades

what good does it do to complain about thepast?

you canʼt change it and as time goes along its relevance changes

what good does it do to complain about thepast?

you canʼt change it and as time goes along its relevance fades/changes/disappears

the point of arguing is to sort your own thoughts out, if the other person comes along as well, all well and good, if they donʼt you still have benefited and its their loss!


“what thoughts are there to sort out though?”

what did you just write?

the point of arguing is to sort your own thoughts out, if the other person comes along as well, all well and good, if they donʼt you still have benefited and its their loss!

hello ewk and tostono, yeofthe nevercomealong :o)

the point of arguing is to sort your own thoughts out, if the other person comes along as well, all well and good, if they donʼt you still have benefited and its their loss!

i think ewkʼs got a touch of early dementia or something like that, apparently heʼs quite overweight so could be on the road to diabetes which does affect thebrain?

i think heʼs got a touch of early dementia or something like that, apparently heʼs quite overweight so could be on the road to diabetes which does affect thebrain?

i think heʼs got a touch of early dementia or something like that, apparently heʼs quite overweight so could be on the road to diabetes which does affect thebrain

age makes silly fools ofusall!


age makes silly fools ofusall!

age makes silly fools ofusall

have you ever heard of chelation?

sulphur is like the basic biochemical glue so if you supplement it in any form, you have to be careful of mobilizing heavymetals, particularlymercury!

so having seen a lot of people permanently damaged by it, i warn aboutit!

methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) while not a chelator is quite a bit of sulphur in medium orlargedoses!

there are two views of translation, one of which is that you have abook orwork somewhat relating to the original author, butis in fact anewwork by therealauthor, thetranslator!

the other view is to translate the work astheoriginal whichisimpossible!

enough said!:o)

there are two views of translation, one of which is that you have abook orwork somewhat relating to the original author, butis in fact anewwork by therealauthor, thetranslator!

the other view is to translate the work astheoriginal whichisimpossible!

enough said!:o)

pasting clichéd zen bullsh*t is not really being courteous, you have sh*tty attitude toothers!

“except words do not suffice”

your words donʼt suffice butminedo!:o)

reason and dialogue go a long way, butch “donʼttouchiodine” attitudes are just the mark of someone who doesnʼt want tothink!

your close female relatives are those who think they can tell you whattodo!





your close female relatives are those who think they can tell you whattodo!





your close female relatives are those who think they can tell you whattodo!

your close female relatives are those who think they can tell you whattodo

show me your powers

same as joshuʼs, theability to turn arseholes and dharmarats on theirhead and notmuchelse

“then vie withit?”

i was reading up on german fighter aces in world war 2 and those that survived and most didnʼt, were still stuck in thinking their efforts were valid, all that went wrong was they lost thewar!

“a text buddha passes throughtext”

thatʼs like a secret, how do you dothat?

you do it by constantly writing to improve your knowledge and understanding, notwriting to reinforce whatever ideological view you hold ofzen

this is what the degenerate form reddit zen is /hasbecome

just a bunch of half wits reinforcing theirposition

its not being the half witted thatʼs the problem, its writing themselves into concrete statues withtext

“a text buddha does not pass throughtext”

throwing mud pies donʼt do nothing, throwing a spiked steelball does!

throwing mud pies donʼt do nothing, throwing a spiked steelball does!

wassup zadar

write more than twowords or even four if you have something tosay

surely you think and have more on your mind than “wassupzaddar”!

however poor our own thoughts and expression, surely its better than malhandled prodding for who knows whatreason!

culinary experience fromjason

the back fat I used for lard came with some skin on it, I left it on while it was cooking and separated after and was debating whether or not to throw it away by tasting it, itʼs very good and it reminded me that my parents used to make a refuse gelatin stew that was probably common growing up inpoverty inportugal

jason writes

when iwas in portugal some time maybe 10 years ago a very skinny dog came walking by my grandmotherʼs home, which is a bit odd because itʼs not near any other homes besides mygodparentʼs

i went to the fridge as he was sitting at the bottom of the stairs, igave him as much as ithought icould without getting in trouble, i went inside but i expected him to come back the next days butheneverdid

i replied to ewkʼs post, but it was removed

back to scripting huh?

I encourage you to talk to a mental health professional about your multiple co-morbid conditionsattenuated psychosis syndrome - schizophrenia - autistic spectrum disorder - dissociative personality disorder - ptsd - dissociative subtype ofptsd

dsm v approved!:o)

what zen master kowtowed to mental health professionals?


so first i should say thanks to nahmsayin (owner of ewkontherecord) whodoesnʼt censor

thatʼs the truezenspirit

thatʼs what i had previously, removal of posts and then the downvoting brigades kick in, why reddit zen is so bad is this censorship.. its what they want iguess!

ah well, go back and same pattern emerges, its a bit hard to believe, but they (themoderators) really are quite protective of ewk..

an excellent interview of larissavolokhonsky and richardpevear on their translation offyodordostoevskyʼs book, ‘the brothers karamazov’

russian does not map well to english, i notice how poor the translations of osip mandelstam are

there’s a whole extra dimension in there that needs to be tapped

more and more i am coming to appreciate how attenuated and bowdlerised the zen records are..

what is off-putting are the endless fools promoting this partvoynich!

sepehr on his play

I found Mani and Kartirʼs opposition towards each other interesting because Mani derives his “deontologicalethics” from a transcendent force whereas Kartirbases his “virtueethics” on thecommunity, youcould call it “biopolitical” in some sense. I show how both areinsufficient

So you get me, the five themes my play dealt with are these:

1) Derridean interpretation of Nietzschean affirmation: the breakdown of communal paradigm to solipsism

2) The insufficiency of crystalline ethical structures. Neither Mani nor Kartir understood meaning is a fluid. It was only after Mani came to terms with his solitude that he came to apprehend how meaning is a fluid attheend, Infinity

3) How process is fundamental, notessence

4) The recursion ofreal and unreal &meaning and meaninglessness involved in enlightenment— their quasi-border too

5) I wanted to convey Persian culture and such. Alot ofpeople canʼt tell it apart from Arabic culture

youʼve been blathering for years

turning in


same dead

circle and

calling it




now thatʼs what schopenhauer did to improve hiscirculation!

a good video on how tomakelard!

when pouring the liquid into plastic containers, it wouldnʼt want to be above about50°C imo!

they “cook” the fat at107°C!

wumenhuikai wasnʼt enlightened, joshu, linji, yunmenwenyan, foyan and nansen were!

the true story of macbeth

youʼre not enlightened ewk, some dull hack posting on reddit zen for years god knows why!

a reddit zen question

is enlightenment scary?

i never thought i had any real type of enlightenment experience until i realized that iʼm just thoughts perceiving more perceptions. i totally lost myself, and it felt dissociative and scary. is that normal?


r e p l y

iʼm enlightened and i can tell you its not worthit!

well maybe it not being worth it is not quite true but sometimes i feel its better not to have gone thisroute, but perhaps i would not have survived any otherway?!

i havenʼt seen anyone else posting here who is enlightened, the idiots just downvote me andblather foolishness!:o)

the experience itself which is actually several over a lifetime is not scary, in fact wonderful, its the aftermaths that are frightening because you see the world in such a different way and what everyoneelse holds of value is mostly fake and its very disorienting!

you uproot your life and its dangerous, financially stressful and what “normality” would call mentallyunstable

it also happens to be true in contradistinction to the normatively received falseness of conventional social values

you actually are not on the right track. it needs to be a joy to follow through and the sense of what it is always drives it, otherwise it wouldn't be worthwhile and one would just end up blathering on redditzen..:o)

you havenʼt put the ground work in, sort of “oversoto” so to speak, so the pieces can never fall together right..

muju, why donʼt you tackle ewk where he is most vulnerable, that is his various factual errors, the most glaring of which is saying eihei dogen never went to china and is a compulsive liar, i donʼt see that is the case atall!

he doesnʼt like dogen for the same reason he doesnʼt like me, we both elevate the visionary and that doesnʼt fit with his dull psychiatric pseudo scientific view oftheuniverse!

sir henry neville said that plays should be entertaining as well as instructive, which is something to bear in mind and any play needs strong female roles to keep the other half of the audience interested!

donʼt write dry as dust philosophical plays that stay on a shelf, people should want to see them because theyentertain!

plays should be seen and not read and that means expense and the only way to cover the expense is for them to be interesting to a wide range of people which is pretty much what goethe said on thesubject!

napoleon said

donʼt interrupt your enemy when heʼs making a mistake


c o m m e n t

it can also be

donʼt interrupt your enemies when they are making amistake!

donʼt interrupt your enemies when they are making mistakes!

“hey guys. iʼm diagnosed mild aspergers. iʼm wanting to do some workshops for boys age 13 or so. i was wondering what you guys think would be good to tell them”

example speaks, try listening to them and not telling them!

sepehr writes

thatʼs what my playshows. itʼsabreakdown of communalobjectivism (orintersubjectivity andethos) into thesolipsism

i think there is no ethos out there that is impervious to being subverted and upended, but there is something about a solipsistic realization that cannot be taken away. when mani (in myplay) awoke to the stupidity of religion and the communal paradigm, he understood something kartir could not take away, but the same is not true when he was into the communal way of things. of course, my play is fiction and loosely based on historical facts


r e p l y

the most successful plays in my view are sirhenry nevilleʼs twelfthnight, chekhovʼs unclevanya, satreʼs huisclos and beckettʼs waiting forgodot

they are all based in fictional contexts, your use of a literal historical context and creating what doesnʼt match what can be inferred of the character of mani historically makes for a discordance in the play thatdoomsit!

what is taught as philosophy now inengland is a combination of linguistics, philosophy and logic, iʼmnot that interested init

neither am i interested in language because we are using that and the use subsumes analysis!

the side effects multiply, they donʼt add, thereʼs a huge population out there on multiple pyschiatric medications not understanding in the slightest their many and increasing health problems are due to this multiplication and creation of new sideeffects

you see it endlessly onreddit askdocs andmedical, iʼmtaking x,y,z and c and ihave these problems and idonʼt know why my health is getting sobad

well if you look at the known side effects of those medications plus extras forinteractions

“switch off”

limited life span istheprognosis!

thereʼs sorta three paradigms floating around, the religious, the philosophical and the artistic/solipsist, you are really wanting the intersection ofthose..

i think what jacquesderrida does is explode the communal objectivist viewpoint that philosophy tries to driveto, its a process rather than an action sothereʼs always thatundercurrent withhim

i have written about that here, i say its part of a continuum, whether one gets to a semantically correct solipsism is adifferentmatter!

so this is basically the tension and play of philosophy and religion, the metamorphosis of communal objectivism into semantically correct solipsism which you can also call 7thpatriarchzen!

sepehr, i donʼt actually disagree with nietzschean affirmation

i would go further and say thatʼs what 7th patriarch zen is about and there are if not many, at least some multitude of such moments or transitions in identity inlife!


that recitation conveyed the sense much better than what i could get reading thepassage!

makes me wonder about nietzsche as an auditory poet actually!

ewk, you think huang-po was enlightened, idonʼt, thats a pretty biggap!

sepehr, i really donʼt want to get involved further with your play, its not my business as to whether its good or bad and thatʼs not really a judgement i would make anyway

its peripheral to the purpose of the 7th patriarch blog, a way of looking at it is al-marri is interesting andmaniisnot

if there was endless time we could go back and forth on this sort of thing forever, but as it is i am really pressed for time and i would suggest you find yourownaudience...

you are lucky, i think you edit and revise well, but really there will be people out there interested in it, there are people on the web interested in mani andmanichaeism..

zhaozhou (ed. joshu) taught with three turning phrases

a clay buddha does not pass through water

a gold buddha does not pass through a furnace

a wood buddha does not pass through fire

my fourth phrase

a text buddha passes through text

zhaozhou (ed. joshu) taught with three turning phrases

a clay buddha does not pass through water

a gold buddha does not pass through a furnace

a wood buddha does not pass through fire

my fourth phrase

a text buddha does not pass through text

minerals ingested from food are bound to proteins, for example magnesium taurate is magnesium bound to the amino acid taurine and there is quite a bit of this form of magnesium intheheart!

also magnesium taurate has quite a different effect from say magnesium glycinate, i way prefer the douglas labs magnesium taurate as the best and most useful form ofmagnesium

now these are bulky and expensive so supplement makers tend to push inorganic or “gardenfertilizer” forms like magnesium citrate, but they as i say are “gardenfertilizer” and not bound to proteins and they feed bad microbiome inthegut..

i feel like iʼm a burning







and now the end is in sight

i can see the wax base

i am







i feel like iʼm a burning







and now the end is in sight

i can see the wax base

i am





i feel like i am a burning candle

and now the end is in sight

i can see thewaxbase

i am required to burn faster!

it sucks!

i feel like i am a burning candle

and now the end is in sight

i can see thewaxbase

i am required to burn faster!

i feel like i am a burning candle

and now the end is in sight

i am required to burn faster!

it sucks!

i feel like i am a burning candle

and now the end is in sight

i am required to burn faster!

sepehr, i think you were thinking that when you write something, (ed. aplay) you can create an imaginary space that will transcend the deficits in your life experience andreading

you canʼt, what you write is just going to reflect that anditdid!

you piggy backed into aphilosophical and theological context to disguise the issues ihave just raised and itdoesnʼt work!

jon writes

the saddest face ever.

f*ck it, Iʼm not a mystic.

of course that doesnʼt mean sh*t.


r e p l y

i donʼt think it makes any sense for anyone to say they are or arenʼt amystic!

its the wrong perspective, i keep saying this again and again, but they trot off with iʼm this andiʼmthat..!

conversely true mysticism is a perspective from which life can be made sense of, that is the making sense of life could be called philosophy, but in actual fact the vast majority of philosophy falls short of the mark because it lacks thatintrusion of personalidentity!

go figure


this is too late butineed totellit.

i was a patient in the ER on a busy night. concussion for those interested.

on a gurney in the hall was a guy screaming and hollering for a nurse. you could tell he had been there for a while. there was a small cooler hanging off the bed. every once in a nurse would come by to shush him and change out his sheet.

turns out he had his dick bit off by the girl he was raping. it was in the cooler waiting to be reattached. they were in no hurry.

“why the hostility onredditzen?”

yeah a war forsure!

i address this issue here

and have other posts on the subject on ewkontherecord

i feel that part of the problem is the complete lack of any real life zen experience means that people can post for years on r/zen and still be clueless as to how zen reallyworks!

its extremely authoritarian often with clueless teachers but it does have a strong ‘instructionless’ meditative component andemphasis onretreats..

a certain social and cognitive sophistication comes with this that is entirely missing from reddit zen which in reality is some sort of zen that comes from reading and taking on board fakes

the wuppertal suspension railway, about 1910 ?, october2013

reddit zen is basically talentless sh*ts, theniwas thinking, they are talentless because theyaresh*ts!

reddit zen is basically talentless sh*ts, theniwas thinking, they are talentless because theyaresh*ts

dark andwet, the front door was open as ihad brought in more firewood and my back was turned to write up the homily just below, when i turned around threeferalcats including one quite small totally black kitten were arrayedaround thewoodheater!

i have ruined their lives, theyhave glimpsed an unattainable heaven, nowonder they mewl aroundmydoor!

the world that forms in childhood is the world we take throughlife!

the world that forms in childhood is the world we take throughlife!

the world that forms in childhood is the world we take throughlife

religion is communally objective, the real zen is amix of solipsism and communalobjectivism andpoetry is pretty much entirely solipsistic

this is the real meaning of themiddleway!

so reddit zen is basically a tension between different forms of communal objectivism, namely, buji and a sort of pseudo religious zen buddhism, more buji than buddhist inreality!

religion is communally objective, the real zen is amix of solipsism and communalobjectivism andpoetry is pretty much entirely solipsistic

this is the real meaning of the middleway!

religion is communally objective, the real zen is amix of solipsism and communal objectivism andpoetry is pretty much entirely solipsistic

this is the real meaning of the middleway

religion is communally objective, the real zen is amix of solipsism and communal objectivism andpoetry is pretty much entirely solipsistic

is all iodine the same or are some brands better than others?


r e p l y

it has a large range of chemical forms and concentrations in addition to the brand question

for instance because i get migraine, i find the form that suits me best is the betadine “sore throat gargle”which contains 10mg/ml povidine iodine which is equivalent to 1mg/ml available iodine

once every four or five days i put some on my toes and toenails because this is the furthest distance on the body from the thyroid and i want the thyroid to be the last “port of call” for the iodine, it seems to have some beneficial thinning effect on the blood which really helps with migraine

a friend who doesnʼt get migraine but has low thyroid function puts a drop or two of iodine tincture (which is a mixture of ethanol, water, iodine at 25mg/ml and potassium iodide at 25mg/ml) onhergums, it seems to help her and possibly goes straight tothethyroid!

thereʼs no one answer for iodine supplementation!

the usa has high selenium soil levels, but in countries with low selenium in the diet you also need to supplement that, selenium is very involved in thyroid metabolism!

zakaj knows too many languages, its f*cked his brain

used it all up and pulled it apart in too many directions, no wonder heʼs settling for some guru crapartist!

zakaj knows too many languages, its f*cked hisbrain

zakaj knows too many languages, its f*cked hisbrain

my godfatherʼs father, major robert adams wilson fought in the lasttwoyears of worldwarone infrance as a major in the artillery and his observation on the failure of the 1918 german spring offensive was interesting

ed. pages 106 and 107 of “a two years interlude”

his view was that the biggest mistake germany made was the their retreat in 1917 to the hindenburg line and that is, had they held their 1917 positions, then they would have not had to get their supplies and troops through on the only passable routes forward which were roads extremely exposed toallied aerialbombing

germany was short of aviation fuel at this point so this marks a turning point in the strategic value of air power, a lesson the germans learnt apparently!

major wilsonʼs view was that had the germans held their 1917 postions, they could have moved forward into passable open country and “the history of the war might have been changed”

i must say that the german strategic command at the highest level was devastatingly incompetent


another interesting point he made was that new zealand officer appointments were made on senority which led to a certain incompetence indirection!


my fathers comment is ‘majorbob’ was such a matter of fact person and very practical!

a wound canʼt heal if you are constantly recutting it open again

thatʼs what “nocontact” allows, stops therecutting!

why be jealous when he did you afavour?

why be jealous when he did you afavour

scriptures versus enlightenment

i think if you have to explain something in terms of references to scriptures or records and not your own terms, you are not enlightened

the problem people have is that explaining it in their own terms seems threadbare crap which it is

so they seek to bolster their positions by referring to the records as some sort of certainty

they donʼt understand that zen is about enlightened people teaching..

its not a scriptural based religion where the masses in their misunderstanding aredominant..

its about people actually interested in resolving their understanding to something more coherent interms of what actually occurs inlife..

listening to those who have worked their way somewhat successfully through theseissues

of course the final state is depressed so better to be blind isay..

some light relief

without ewk or muju or me and no zen ornon-zen


wonderful photos that capture the suburban insanity, all looks wonderful but they are on the brink of and propelling fast intotheholocast ofworldwarI!

people just thoughtlessly take mytime fromme..

“iʼm just a regular retard”

yeah thereʼs a million billion of you, all rubbing my nose in their sh*t like i am of no account andthere for their purposes..

i was thinking that the poetry i write comes ‘prebuilt’ compared to the poetry thatmost peoplewrite andespeciallyprose

is this an advantage ordisadvantage?

i was thinking that the poetry i write comes ‘prebuilt’ compared to the poetry thatmost peoplewrite andespeciallyprose

is this a disadvantage oradvantage?

when you make awordup/coin and youʼre the only person that uses it, you get a google search toyourself!:o)

i guess thatʼs fame ofasort!


joshu 191, god i was telling muju two years ago he has PTSD problems!

“diary of a madman” is one of the best short stories ever

you may find that bovine thryoid hormone is not as good asporcine

muju, youʼre just dancing on an illusion

youʼre just dancing on an illusion

the term “zen” is in the public domain, there's nothing you ori or anyone else can do aboutit!

reddit zen and ewkontherecord are just a continuation of the conflict of people claiming ownership of what has to be anillusion, theexclusivepublic domain use of zen

restaurant and hairsalonowners wouldagree!:o)

when i eat wallaby brains the words and thoughts just seem toflow!


when i eat wallaby brains the words and thoughts just seem toflow!


when i eat wallaby brains the words and thoughts just seem toflow!


when i eat wallaby brains the words and thoughts just seem toflow!

when i eat wallaby brains the words and thoughts just seem toflow

god, i have this sense ofgrief for me andtheworld!

god, i have this sense ofgrief for me andtheworld

god i have this sense ofgrief for me andtheworld

i think iʼm gifted, considerably so, iʼve gone through life with everyone telling me idonʼt know what iam onabout and its made me way too tolerant of adverse situations is theproblem!

the truth is fiction

and the fiction true

this phrase is from the introduction to ‘the dream of red mansions’ or ‘the story of the stone’

it has stuck with me for decades but in hindsight never seemed quite right, so just now sorta spontaneously i came up with a corrected version ̱̱͟

very illustrative of the problems of translations i might say, one is always dealing with something slightly skewed or worse (distorted!)

the real is voynichated

and the fiction de-voynichated

if thereʼs one thing i have learnt over the years, its that you need to read on a daily basis some-one whoknows..

jason is reading goetheʼs ‘travels in italy’ at the moment and i think its helping keep him adjusted

if you just keep to the crap promulgated by the current generation, itsendless hubric charlatans spilling their excrement everywhere

you will go go quite mad and they do, the religions, acadamies, wealthy, poor, drug addicts and alcoholics, endlesstheruins ofhumanity..

its interesting to compare al-maʼarri and mani, al-maʼarri is the much more interesting person and hugely insightful, i really donʼt see what mani has to recommend him except schizophrenic religiousconstructs

i think religion in general is this grouping of very untalented mediocre people enaged in some farcical and when given the power, brutal masking ofthefact!

so reddit zen is an agreement amongst a lot of unintelligent hubric idiots that they understand something!

so reddit zen is an agreement amongst a lot of unintelligent hubric idiots that they understand something

“i am not successful”

“its all ok”

“its not all ok, that is the nature of being unsuccessful”

“i am not successful”

“its all ok”

“its not all ok, that is the nature of unsuccessful”

if the enemy is too strong, withdraw!

if the enemy is too strong, withdraw

this is not so far fetched, but based on a famous incident in flavius josephusʼs life!

“the supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting”

quote from sun tzu, the art ofwar

in the case of reddit zen, its just to walk away and let them machinegun themselves, of course zombies rise from thedead..

my OPs and posts used to get removed on r/zen to, thatʼs when i started to figure it was all crap, one of the best rules i made is never post to those hypocritical bastards again!

reddit is full of sh*t behavior like that, the only sane way out is to use them to your advantage..

in the context of reddit zen and the hardcore zen blog that is just to read what is worthwhile which is basically good quotes from the records in the case of r/zen and not much at all on the hardcore zen blog, that way they work for you and punish themselves, sit back, relax and enjoy ewk and the rest f*cking their brains with ill-informed nonsense!

napoleon said, when you enemy is making a mistake donʼt stop him, of course the czar of russia, alexander I, did that to him by drawing him in deeper into russia to fully meet “general winter” :o)


s p e e d y



muju, you criticize ewk for being wrong, why donʼt you criticize yourself forbeingwrong?

muju, you criticize ewk for being wrong, why donʼt you criticize yourself forbeingwrong

how could writing turn out well?

its a form of suicide!

how could writing turn out well?

its a form of suicide


he posted a lot?





he posted a lot?


he posted a lot !


he posted a lot

reddit is intrinsically ptsd because of anonymous downvoting and alts

that is, if you are going to post, you are going to get a degree of ptsd fromit!

on the other side you get a huge array of compressed experience not possible to get in any otherway?

reddit is intrinsically ptsd because of anonymous downvoting and alts

that is, if you are going to post, you are going to get a degree of ptsd fromit!

on the other side you get a huge array of compressed experience not possible to get in any other way?

its interesting that art of otto dix (war cripples, skat players) was proscribed by the naziʼs as ʻdegenerateʼ despite him having fought in world war one as a machine gunner and being wounded severaltimes

the art is in fact a form of cultural learning and transmits information from one generation to the next.͟͟

it took another war for its realities to sink iṉ̱̱

“The second step in vitamin D bioactivation, the formation of 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D [1,25-(OH)2D] from 25-hydroxyvitaminD, occurs under physiological conditions, mainlyin thekidney”

“I am an LKD (living kidney donor), of two and a half years

I have been struggling with fatigue issues since the donation.

I am now under the care of an endocrinologist. One of the first things she put me on was VitaminD and B12 because, as she said (and my bloodwork backeditup) ‘All LKDs are short of these vitamins’ I mustʼve looked at her like she grew another head because she asked me, did I not know this?.....NO

Nobody ever told me, in work-up or post-donation care, that I would need to take extra vitamins that I had not needed before”

muju, your shattered brain screams in pain

walking ptsd that grows as it runs towards the ever elusive what?

muju, your shattered brain screams in pain

walking ptsd that grows as it runs towards the ever elusive what?

recitation and notdiscussion!

discussion and notrecitation!

recitation and notdiscussion!

discussion and notrecitation!

recitation and not discussion!

discussion and not recitation!

recitation and notdiscussion

discussion and notrecitation

one can argue to prove one is right or one can argue to develop oneʼsunderstanding

the lesson of reddit itself is that the posts flip away into nothing anyway!

at the end of the day, what are you left with?

one can argue to prove one is right or one can argue to develop oneʼsunderstanding

ʼnuff said!

the lesson of reddit itself is that the posts flip away into nothing anyway!

at the end of the day, what are you left with?

one can argue to prove one is right or one can argue to develop understanding

ʼnuff said!

one can argue to prove one is right or one can argue to develop understanding

one can argue to prove one is right or one can argue to develop oneʼsunderstanding

ʼnuff said!

one can argue to prove one is right or one can argue to develop oneʼsunderstanding

i think poems have a sense of internal placement rather like the construction and design of thegerman pavilion!

































i literally saw that poem as complete with all thespacing and the repeated verse in my mindʼs eye like a photo, from what i read, just writing the complete poem like i do isunusual..

when you cry, no-one hears you except infinity

when you cry, no-one hears you except infinity

when you cry, no-one hears you except infinity

when you cry, no-one hears you except infinity

anton chekhov had chronic issues with being a selfless volunteer, a problem ishare so the character ofunclevanya reallybites!

why “beingpresent” doesnʼt work is you are locked into this necessity of correction, the fools whoare “present” are just nonfunctional goldfishclones..

normality is madmen!

what is worse is the madmen being normal!

normality is madmen!

what is worse is the madmen being normal!

normality is madmen!

what is worse is the madmen being normal

normality is madmen!

normality is madmen!

normality is madmen

when they have sex with some-one else, their feelings and attachments change

when you understand that, you will save yourself a lot of grief!

when they have sex with some-one else, their feelings and attachments change

when you understand that, you will save yourself a lot of grief

when they have sex with some-one else, their feelings and attachments change

if you understand that, you will save yourself a lot of grief!

when they have sex with some-one else, their feelings and attachments change

if you understand that, you will save yourself a lot of grief

when they have sex with some-one else, their feelings and attachments change

years and years ago (1880) after morning fishing a hermit named meloy rowed across lakehemlock tohishut on the westshore and was attacked by a bear as he neared theshore!

since he obviously lived to tell the tale hesurvived

the bear swamped the boat but what meloy did was repeatedly hit it over the head with anoar ̱̱͟

he must have knocked it unconcious into the water sinceitdrowned

he won the day and had a meat supply for several months!

of course if bears could write it would be told differently

you great - - great grandmother/father was attached villainously by one of those scaby humans who intruded on his/her territory..

he/she defended herself valiantly against a monster swinging a branch.. how good it would have felt to have oneʼs claws rake through such puny flesh and spilling its innards into the lake where they could bleed and spill out their digesting interiors

but it was not to be and the lake has a somber mood from the injustice thatblightsit

donʼt you get disillusioned with it, people, the dull endlessness ofit?

donʼt you get disillusioned with it, people, the dull endlessness ofit

runestones were the important memorial system in sweden and scandinavia because somany died farfromhome, welltravelled isputtingit mildly!

what the actor brings to the table is an integral part of the play, they are not just exchangeable ciphers, they build the play intoreality!

what the actor brings to the table is an integral part of the play, they are not just exchangeable ciphers, they build the play intoreality!

what the actor brings to the table is an integral part of the play, they are not just exchangeable ciphers, they build the play intoreality

plays never read well, they need tobeseen as a play with actors performing !

plays never read well, they need tobeseen!

arguing with muju is like a cat playing with a mouse, he goes in one direction and i swat it back inanother

i take a bite occasionally but as this is a zombie mouse it doesnʼt make anydifference!

ALA (alpha-lipoicacid) is a surprisingly chemically active substance!

it is used in several chelation protocols, perhaps the best known one is andycutlers “frequentdose”!

having a long familiarity with chelation and chelators i can assure you its an unrecoverable disasterarea!

the worst thing is thereʼs a lot of them hanging around on the net preaching how wonderful what they do is, only when you check back their posting over time you can see they have gone quite mad anddeceitful

most likely there will be one or two here who will downvote my post because of what i had said, itsthat sort ofmentality!

if you want to understand women, look at a womenʼs magazine!

the next step is to believe whatyousee!





if you want to understand women, look at a womenʼs magazine!

the next step is to believe whatyousee!




if you want to understand women, look at a womenʼs magazine!

the next step is to believe whatyousee!

if you want to understand women, look at a womenʼs magazine!

if you want to understand women, look at a womenʼs magazine

muju subtly opines

iʼve just about finished reading the complete tales of chekhov, ecco edition, 13 volumes. whathaveyou done with your life lately? idiot.

my reply

iʼm not a fan of constance garnett (ed. the translator of the ecco edition)!

13 volumes of her is 13 volumes of suffering so i guess you have that half of buddhism right!:o)


a translator is all in terms of reading the author, iʼm not jeering at her, but think her work falls way short!

she was in an area she had no talent for, happens allthetime

Marcus Geduld writes

I had an artistic Epiphany: at the time, I was studying theatre in college. But I kept thinking about quitting. I knew I wanted to tell stories, but why in the theatre? I couldn't figure out what theatre had to offer that was special. It seemed like a less-powerful form offilm.

People would tell me that the special thing about theatre was that it involved live actors—that there was this give-and-take between actor and audience. True, and maybe fulfilling to an actor, but I wanted to be a director. I wouldn't get to partake in this communion, and so it didn't seem special enough. I began to think seriously about becoming amoviedirector.

Then I saw Andre Gregory's production of ‘Uncle Vanya’ (which eventually became the film, ‘Vanya on 42nd Street’) He had been rehearsing it for five years when I saw it, and it was amazing. It was the best Vanya Iʼd ever seen, even though he produced it as a rehearsal (actors just wearing their street clothes, beat-up furniture for sets, etc.). The actors seemed to completely become their characters and their relationships felt more real thanreallife.

You had to be invited to attend, and it had been a total fluke that Iʼd gotten to see it at all (a friend of a friend had been invited and got sick— I wound up taking her place.) But I went back the next night and begged to be allowed to see it again. Andre Gregory took pity on me and let me in. Andwhat Isaw changedmylife.

The show was utterly different. The actors were so comfortable in their roles that they were improvising like crazy. They werenʼt changing the script, but they were emphasizing totally different words, giving their lines new meanings. And they were moving to different places atdifferenttimes.

One moment I'll never forget: in the play, Sonya begs Astrov to quit drinking. He agrees and swears he will never drink again. And, the first night I saw it, he kept his word. At the very end of the play, Chekhov has him drink a small glass of Vodka, but up until that point, he didn't touch a drop. The second night I saw it, he promised her he'd quit drinking and then—about three minutes later—while they were still talking, he reached for the bottle and casually poured himself another drink. The actress playing Sonya saw it, reacted toit (not with lines—there were no lines in the play for her to use for this—but with her face), and it coloured their relationship for the rest of the play. I realized that both of these interpretations weretrue toChekhov'sstory. Theactors knew the story so well that they could slip from one true version toanother.

Now I knew the difference between theatre and film. As obvious as it is, I realized that once something has been filmed, it is always the same. But in the theatre, a story can change everynight.

my comment

zen is one interpretation, chekhovʼs play is another, emily dickinson isanother

what makes reddit zenners blind fools is their obsession with just zen, because of their lack of real life zen experience they have built it up into some sort of fantasy castle..

the best protection against that sort of nuttiness is to read widely and get some decompression in solitude instead of endless posting onreddit..

actually thatʼs what i would say to ewk and muju, like you both have been running in the same groove here for many years, at a certain point you haveslipped into aratherdreary anduselessinsanity..

thereʼs a young mother cat (twokittens!) outside the front door going meow, meow

i finally figured what she is saying

“more” “more”

its a funny thing, but i donʼt think you need writing skills to write a poem, but it takes 20 to 30 years tolearn how towriteprose!

a poem




fluid, needs



i know people on reddit supplements like “nowfoods” but i really havenʼt liked any oftheirproducts iʼvetried!

the fillers and manufacturing quality are hugely important, i think ʻnowʼ buys the cheapest and some of their fillers make for digestive problems, and basically their stuff seemed to have badedges

people have different opinions, iʼm just giving myexperience!

jason writes

i guess thereʼs no real conversation onredditzen


r e p l y

to make progress in zen you have to step outside what you know into what you really donʼt know, thisisway tootraumatic formost!

so people just babble

jason writes

i guess thereʼs no real conversation onredditzen


r e p l y

to make progress in zen you have to step outside what you know into what you really donʼt know, thisisway tootraumatic formost!

so people just babble

jason writes

i guess thereʼs no real conversation onredditzen


r e p l y

to make progress in zen you have to step outside what you know into what you really donʼt know, thisisway tootraumatic formost!

so people just babble

to make progress in zen you have to step outside what you know into what you really donʼt know, thisisway tootraumatic formost!

reddit zen is quite strongly censored, they complain about bickering but thatʼs all they permit, ifyoustart to write sense you get hounded!




reddit zen is quite strongly censored, they complain about bickering but thatʼs all they permit, ifyoustart to write sense you get hounded!

reddit zen is quite strongly censored, they complain about bickering but thatʼs all they permit, ifyoustart to write sense you get hounded

i posted a comment on nahm sayinʼs video AMA

i couldnʼt write that on reddit zen, iʼd be hounded or otherwise censored

reddit zen sort of filters out any sense and all that bickering they have and complain about, well its all they really permit, thestupids!

the comment is asfollows

the problem with being a monk is you will be under the discipline for most of your life by people who are clueless about zen and when you make “the other side” i.e. are some sort of boss in the system, then you continue the same sort offarce!

i know reddit zen doesnʼt want to hear what i am saying but in terms of the “realzen” of joshu you are just wasting yourtime!

you can yak with people in terms of the “communal objective paradigm” for the rest of your life and thatʼs precisely whatyoudo!

what is the depth oflife?

the huge deep

of which







what is the depth oflife?

the huge deep

of which








what is the depth oflife?

the huge deep

of which







what is the depth oflife?

the huge deep

of which







we are adrift forever, travellers onunseentides

we are adrift, travellers forever onunseentides

we are adrift forever, travellers onunseentides

we are adrift, travellers forever onunseentides

a reference to the high thermal conductivity ofsilver by titus lucretius carus!

heat seeps through silver, so does piercingcold

the curse of thesmallflies

back and forth, back andforth

day and night

and you canʼt swat them!

: o (

the curse of thesmallflies

back and forth, back andforth

day and night

and you canʼt swat them!

the ocean rolls

a wave hits the bluff

splattering homunculi everywhere

perverse turtlings they climb up the beach

noxious cartoons determined to spread themselves everywhere..

a good page on the norwegian poet, olav håkonson hauge

i want to maintain no contact but i think if my ex doesn't reach out tome iʼll spiral

its only been four days since we broke up but it's been the longest weʼve gone without talking since we met

iʼm doing pretty well with not messaging him but i have this feeling that if he doesnʼt message me in the next month any progress i make will be gone

any tips on how to get away from this idea that he will for sure miss me/messageme?


r e p l y

he could have already slept with some-one else, that is the divide intheabsence ofchildren!!

our brains are designed to work a certain way, ignore atyourperil!

he/she could have already slept with some-one else, that is thedivide

our brains are designed to work a certain way, ignore atyourperil!

he/she could have already slept with some-one else, that is the divide intheabsence ofchildren!!

he/she could have already slept with some-one else, that is thedivide

space is free on the net, it doesnʼt hurt to put plenty in!

solipsism versus objective communalism

solipsism says that oneself is all, objective communalism argues that there is some some true objective reality common to everybody

so reddit zen is just this endless argument as to what this objective reality is

but patriarch zen disputes the communal paradigm, i wonʼt say its totally invalid but basically reality issolipsistic!

this explains how religions and forums like reddit zen can produce what they do, contrary results from activities claiming to do otherwise..

they reinforce an incorrect paradigm..

the real zen is partriarch zen, but the fact is 99% of what is around is the communal conceptual paradigms

its no mystery why the world is the way it is then isit! : o(

when i read what you wrote, its obvious the whole business was hugely traumatic and i have been in similar situations and they neednʼt be necessarily romantic, can be work or family or anything something else

but the upshot is one has been too burnt and no contact is the only way to heal!

i read your post and something ticked over in my brain, but i didnʼt have an immediate reply

i had to think long and hard for this reply tocomeup! :o)

i wonder if the negativity from what you describe and other situations significantly gone wrong life situations is so searing and without remedy it only seems like the wreckage of our lives that has to be cut away, no wonder it is so painful

i have seen posted several times here on ex-no-contact that its the bad relationships that have ongoingtrauma afterbreakup!

at some point there has been a strong rejection and invalidation ofwhoyouare!

there is an ongoing invalidation of who you really are!

its a solipsist perspective i guess and actually doesnʼt have a lot to say about the other person being at fault !

thereis nosuchthing as ‘perfect’ in a relationship!


and actually thereʼs nosuchthing as perfect! :o)

there is nosuchthing as ‘perfect’ in a relationship!


and actually thereʼs nosuchthing as perfect! :o(

there is nosuchthing as ‘perfect’ in a relationship!

and actually thereʼs nosuchthing as perfect! :o(

there is nosuchthing as ‘perfect’ in a relationship

and actually thereʼs nosuchthing as perfect

there is nosuchthing as ‘perfect’ in a relationship!


there is nosuchthing as ‘perfect’ in a relationship!


there is nosuchthing as ‘perfect’ in a relationship!

there is nosuchthing as ‘perfect’ in a relationship

perfect is an illusion!


perfect is an illusion!

perfect is an illusion

sheʼs not faithful and sheʼs a lot of work, itsnot a hard decision isit? : o ()

sheʼs not faithful and sheʼs a lot of work, itsnot a hard decision isit? : o )(

if youʼre king you get to talk to handel AND even eventually have a painting made!

jason asks

how do you protect yourself from the sun?

my reply

i donʼt like the chemicals, just use clothing e.g. long sleeved shirts and hats

some sun exposure is essential for cardiovascular, anti-inflammatory and vitamin D functions so its a question ofbalance!

jason replies

i know i think i've been getting too much, been going without ahat recently

while i was in the sun today, which was strong, iwasexhausted

i felt much better later in the day when the sun wasnʼt asstrong

alisa sadikova at age seven playing the harp concerto in b flat major, hwv 294 by georgefriderichandel

you can clearly hear the conceptual basis of the music, that is it is played the way the composer thought ofit..

it is handel come alive !

bento de spinoza on his excommunication

today i am no longer ajew, how am i harmed?

an anïas nin quote

“when we blindly adopt a religion, a political system, a literary dogma, we become automatons andwe cease togrow”

and for your information (ed. zennists) the literary dogma you adopt is vesting complete authenticity to doubtful or uncertain provenance of a verbal record of such and such a person and failing to disconnect the poverty of the translation from a possible full wealth of the original record, ie the true polysemy which is never attainable intranslation!

that is people approach zen as a proxy source, real dealing is not wanted, is it muju, gonna downvote this?

pissed your life away in proxy-ism and spit and froth in wasted energy here?

in my view they have the number of stars with potentially life habitable planets at far too high aproportion

the planets need to be rocky and not gas, have a protective magnetosphere, sufficient atmospheric pressure and theother factors required toenable the “biosculpting” thathas happened tocreateearth!

one in a million?

when you recrunch with that number there is almost no possibility of any other technologically advanced civilization having arisen or likely to arise in the milky way, but the occurrence is a certainty in the fulluniverse

a premise of science fiction is that technologically advanced civilizations persist, but it seems quite reasonable to suppose they will run into some sort of recursive issue like oversuccessful biologicalwarfare that means theydonot!

the number of potentially habitable planets in the milky way is the number of stars which is ahundredbillion divided by one million which equals 100,000

now one hundred thousand potentially technologically advanced civilization hosting planets looks like a real number tome, that is there might be say one technologically advanced civilization occurring and of course one hasoccurred!

obviously what ismarginally possible/probable in the milky way will be many times certain in thefulluniverse!

burn fast, die young!

burn slow, dieall thetime!


burn fast, die young!

burn slow, die allthetime!

: o )

burn fast, die young!

burn slow, dieall thetime!

burn fast, die young!

burn fast, die young

reddit is a mimic war consuming all your energy andforwhat?

reddit is a mimic war consuming all your energy andforwhat

reddit is a mimic war consuming all your energy andforwhat?

reddit is a mimic war consuming all your energy andforwhat

reddit becomes a mimic war consuming all your energy andforwhat?

reddit becomes a mimic war consuming all your energy andforwhat

reddit can become a mimic war consuming all your energy andforwhat?

reddit can become a mimic war consuming all your energy andforwhat

i think if you go into the public domain, you are always in for a fight, some-one conflicted by you and wishes youharm..

“being fit is a wonderful thing

before i turned ninety, i got severe colds every november, but now theyʼve completely stopped—iʼve had two in six years”

muju, its really off-putting to have the person replying to you downvotingyou?

would you care to give an explanation of why youdoit?

so you were one of the usual three downvotes i got when posting at the end of my time of redditzen?

you hate ewk, but ithink he was another of the downvoters as when he temporarily left the board inahuff, thedowning ofmyposts droppeddrastically!

any consistent downvoter can drive someone off a subreddit, at this point i take it that you feel discomforted by me and want me gone, is there any otherconclusion?

youʼre an ideologue, you want to impose your ideology but thatʼs certainly not what zen isabout, reallife closedanddoctrinal, whatever you claim, itsnot going tobebelieved!


muju, you are being evasive, some-one is downvoting me here and you havenʼt really deniedit

i guess this is my last post here, exactly the same problem as redditzen and its not just you and ewk byanymeans, even if isurvive initially thereʼs always morons who have no interest in reddit zen while i'm not posting, buzz back like stupid flys to hassle me when iturnup, would happen here on ewkontherecord aswell!

its just old ground i'm going through again..

religion, why would anybody argue over some misalignedwords?

religion, why would anybody argue over some misalignedwords

why would anybody argue over some misalignedwords?

why would anybody argue over some misalignedwords

why would anybody be arguing over some misalignedwords?

why would anybody be arguing over some misalignedwords

no poem, nothing to write up, aholiday!

: o )

no poem, nothing to write up, aholiday!

: o )

no poem, nothing to write up, aholiday!

no poem, nothing to write up, aholiday!

no poem, nothing to write up, aholiday

yeras ago i tried to tell brad he should work in advertising, he has a talent for it and he certainly didnʼt understandzen

now heʼs done quite a good video to sell his new book and it all looksgood

until he reads that quote from the back, its just plasticbullsh*t!

the marketing is much better than thewriting..

that cover is vintage jonathan bergeron!:o)

chromium burns fat, but divide the dose down, normally waytoohigh

nutrition is such a difficult field that the best you ever get imo is one or two pieces of good advice from anyoneperson!

you will also get badadvice!

university nutritional schools often have very misguided advice!

homeopaths are a nightmare, i honestly think the human species has mental filters to keep out effective health advice and to stop people looking straight at their own health!

supplements and diet are a very difficult problem and the degree of difficulty is hugely underrated!

i won the war exceptilost





i won the war except ilost?





i won the war exceptilost?





i won the war except ilost?

i won the war exceptilost

faustina, marcellus aureliusʼs wife, falsely supposing him to be on his death bed in germany suggested to avidius cassius (in effective command of the eastern empire and a friend of marcellus and presumably marcellusʼs family) that he assume the mantle of emperor, this suggestion avidius took up to his detriment as marcellus recovered and though he offered avidus an out, avidius couldnʼt backdown andwasassassinated!

aurelius had the discomfort of having his friendʼs head delivered to him in germany, he refused tolookatit!

i was thinking how susceptible men are to female suggestion, often to their detriment!:o(

why talk about painful?

does nothing

advances nothing

except digging an




grievances that












why talk about painful?

does nothing

advances nothing

except digging an




grievances that













letʼs get out of the relative sphere of bickering and talk about the absolute

what exactly in your view is the difference betweenus?


r e p l y

youʼve never come into contact with real zen except me, whatcanisay?

you need to go to the space of your own original expression!

i would not be involved with zen at this point if not for having direct transmission from the 6th patriarch and also i have come to appreciate joshu much more who matches what is happening to me as i get older.. celibacy, frail, theusual..:o)

the other thing about joshu is he was very long lived and there is this aspect of the slow development of long lived celibate zen i seem to be ontrackfor..

there is this different class of understanding which takes consistent work over a very long time for which one bottom line is you have to live a long time, say, unlikedogen..

i am invited into zen as the patriarch and from that point of view thereʼs nothing more tosay!

why are you involved withzen?

no feeling for it, no invitation..

i can walk away from zen tomorrow and it simply comes with me asnoburden..

muju replies

why not stop there, drop all your crazed gibberish, and try to wake up to the amazing clear reality?


r e p l y

why argue with some-one who speaks to your mind “crazedgibberish”

oh of course you both do that and argue with ewk so iʼm guessing i am wasting myfingers:o)

see in the end we all make our own calls as to whether we are right orwrong

your problem and evidence that you are very insecure in your “call” is the way you feel a need toargue anotherviewpointdown

my OP, why did you reply, like the world is going to be changed by yourdisagreement?

like ewk you have a lack of original non-clichéd understanding and thatʼs where you remain, unableto moveout ofit!

muju, you wank before breakfast and call that raping threemonks?

all bluster, nobrains!

a bitter diatribe, well its just the way ifeel!

the stupidity of these people claiming to translate zen just makes one weep!

in this case brad warner had the real meaning delivered to him by a female acquaintance who spoke chinese asafirstlanguage

so the story goes gensa leaves sepphoʼs hermitage looking to find another teacher who will explain things better to him, but badly stubs his toe a little while after leaving..

this incident makes him realise that reality is essentially solipsist..

i.e. that he is all that is and this is the version that bradʼs chinese friend gavehim

“i am myself, no matter what other people say; they canʼt change whoiam”

which is actually a pretty good translation (page 84 of bradʼs book)

bradʼs translation dripping with the usual hubric zen narcissism is “in the end my problem isicanʼt befooled”

brad makes the usual mistake perverting into the usual hagiographical way the toxic twits pervert things by implying a super smart understanding that one gains entry to and lo and behold, people like bradʼs wastrel existance is justified, they have “theknowledge”

well brad if you know so much why did you let your publisher get away with not bearing any marketing costs, all the effort and cost being shouldered byyourself?

not to mention your pursuing a failed and dated financial and publishing paradigm, but i digress, your ears have always been blocked, how much is your zen worth whenyou aresomalfunctional!

like charles bukowski with wine, the big benefit is you haven't committed suicide yet!

you wonʼt even know what i talking about willyou?


so i basically think that this so called zen that is current in the west is the continuing perversion of japanese zen, some sort of supposed “esoteric” knowledge that is cribbed to and makes one a superior person with all lifeʼs answers (they typically gaslight by claiming “imperfection”, but this is the usual way of religious and actually female bullsh*t, throwoutglitter todeflecttheradar)

lapped up by dull morons

you can test your thyroid function by putting a dab of iodine tincture or betadine/povidine on the underside of the wrist, it should give a bit of an energy boost about 6 hours later

how to describe redditzen simply?

its zen in the public domain coming with two built in fault lines, “buji” or ‘donothing zen’ and religious or buddhist zen, both of which are proxies fortherealzen!

so the way it operates istantamount to any brethren or baptist “schism” endless arguments, butbecause reddit zen is a net operation it never moves further into the real world stage of ostracism and a new church being set up (rather against the spirit of “doing nothing” zen too)!

thereʼs some need for it to exist so i think thereʼs no reason for it not to continue forever, endless old “wastedtheirtime” and young hubric “alanwatts istheone”!..

the dust is rising on redditzen

who is going to crack first, ewk ormuju?

its like superbowl, two mongols hitting each other with sticks to thecrowdʼsapplause!

sorta a danteʼs hell, two fakes condemned to a hell they donʼt even know they are in, thefools..

james carson, spread too thin and not particularly talented, this is the sort of thing thatcharlesbukowski complained about with the mass ofwannabewriters..

the piano is an outdated machine, that one would focus on it is indicative of some sort ofneuralmiasma

huh-oh “survived a near-fatal car accident insiberia”

what he does well is travel, but not an artist imo!

he's a product of university arts education, which turns out people who were only ever designed as consumers of music and writing, they come out in the case of writing courses having learnt toonlylike andreadbadliterature..

in the case of music, they are taught to produce anti-lyrical and stuff hard ontheear..


he likely has a traumatic brain injury, it really f*cks with things, i donʼt think george bowman ever fully recovered from his accident, he really would be the most prominent and best known zen teacher at the moment andheʼsnot!

“..while Iʼm more or less ostracised from my own friends”

well that can work both ways, distance yourself a bit, observe more andinteractless..

ed. the tenderviolet deleted his ‘exnocontact’ post, basically he was in daily contact with his ex atuniversity, they had been broken up for five months and she has had a new boyfriend for a month butthe tenderviolet was acting or expecting the old level of intimatedealing inpublic, abittricky forsure.. thatreversion tonormalsocial distance necessary..

“But now... now things have just turned sour, I thought not being friends still meant being civil and nice when we had to see each other inuni

Sheʼs cold now.. like treats me like I'm completely invisible, doesn't look at me or talk unless I initiate... and even then only curt replies if not worse...”

sheʼs the one showing some sense, enforcing an appropriate social distance, i think if you give it more consideration you will develop more respect for her judgment

how many discussions revert to a subtext of one person being better thananother?!

how many discussions revert to a subtext of one person being better thananother!?

how many discussions revert to a subtext of one person being better thananother?

how many discussions revert to a subtext of one person being better thananother

to the person who is consistently and obsessively downvoting me regardless of what ipost, have the courage of your convictions and post else not violate reddiquette aboutusingdownvotes!

you are trying to punish me for my comment that one of the problems with health boards is that some people whose supplementation is an ill informed disaster seem to do nothing but hang on the net allday pushing their viewpoints making boards like this ahazard!

donʼt you think you are proving mypoint?

what good does it doyou?

knowledge, effective experience and experimenting is where its at, not downvoting contraryopinions!

my brain doth deceiveme indreams!

my brain doth deceiveme indreams

time travel, six traditional songs from syria performed by youssef tage in a series of recordings believed to be made in the late 1930s through early1940s

i was thinking ‘backspace and delete areapair’!:o)

i think the thing about sepehr is he never accepted that the 7thzenpatriarch blog was for real, it was some sort of literary device, but in fact i am serious about being the 7th zen patriarch, i have had transmission which also gives permission and maybe some obligation to pick up the patriarch tab, idonʼt have to pick up the tab, the transmission has occurred for whatever reason but iguess one doesnʼt have to take the zen line further, but its something i do through theblog

the literary side, writings and poetry idonʼt care whether others like it or not, iwrite formyself..

but zen involves dealing with people and hence theblog..

one of the core notions of zen is whether you approve of someone else, like i approved of toni packer, but sepehr walked right in and assumed i approved of him which i donʼt so he never got to square one and just charged off like i viewed him asanequal..

thereʼs an old zen saying “theoretically the point of a needle canʼt get past the border, in practice horses and coach drive through”

thereʼs sort of an analogish situation in physics and astrophysics, “singularity” is in fact a philosophical idea that does not represent physical reality, its simply a situation where the theory is inadequate, but the fact a situation exists implies there is some make up of horses and coaches thatdrivethrough!

the mistake of the likes of ewk and buji zen is to suppose the truth of the firstpart of that old zen saying and because they are not enlightened and have never done any real zen work, they imagine the2nd part tobenonsense!:o)(

the hard part to get is that these lazy blightened morons are the norm oflife!:o(

of course the other side of the coin is that the religious zen and buddhism build fake horses and coaches that just sit on blocks and donʼt go anywhere, easy meat for buji zen topointout!

the real horses and coaches are reviled by both sides ofcourse!o)

i took azithromycin just once or twice and my gut took a full month to recover, its an azilyde andnotaquinolone, but for sure not as benign astetracycline!

i think i am taking the view that the amberroom was destroyed by fire or artillery in königsbergcastle at the end of world war II

we shall see!

these polacks and their hidden underground nazitreasures!:o)

the problem is that the people burying/hiding the treasure know its value, they are not going to just let it restthere!

neither brains nor individuality... with only their outward shape to distinguish them from sheep

lucian describing followers of a particularly stupid cult, how like neo-advaita, zen, nonduality andactuallyanyreligion!

interestingly he was born in south east turkey (the region of commagene in the greek andromanperiods) in the fortified town of samosata on the westbank of theuppereuphrates!

ewk/muju get owned by the 7thpatriarch

this is like a chimerical figure, a monk who is half ewk, half muju, a form of hell forboth?

whether its half and half orhowmixedup icanʼtsay! :o)

anyway, its the redoing of the joshu dialogue in the section below, i was thinking how joshu is really a poet and has that density and the translations donʼt really capture the multi layer meanings so i have re-translatedit..

the people who post on reddit zen are completely without this sensitivity and just look for literal factoids and not the moving flux that is thetruezen..

ewk/muju ask the 7thpatriarch

what is thelimit?

the 7th zen patriarch replies

hubricity is the limit

the ewk/muju chimera questions/ replies


the 7th zen patriarch replies

yes, you never go beyond yourself

the original dialogue

a monk asked: what is the very limit?

joshu replied: the very limit

the monk asked: which very limit is it?

joshu replied: it is i. you do not know how to ask

the monk said: i am asking, arenʼt i?

joshu replied: where is the very limit?

my re-translation

a monk asked: what is thelimit?

joshu replied: hubricity is the limit

the monk asked/stated/exclaimed: hubricity!?

joshu replied: yes, you never go beyond yourself

the madness of the amber room

don quixoteʼs imagination



leave much


for us !

the madness of the amber room

don quixoteʼs imagination



leave much


for us

i've noticed that the first night in a strange bed makes for a restless sleep..

myz a zen teacher in the new york area is claiming a significant degree of recovery from a chronic fatigue condition and is planning an active zen teaching schedule!:o)

you canʼt tell people but she is going the route again that most likely caused the condition, shared breath with a group extremely selective for subtle health conditions and stealth viruses, not just in terms of constant immune stress but actual contagiousillnesses

she hasnʼt a death wish, it would be more rational!:o(

reddit advice can often be twisted by people in the position of dependents, really really bad advice from f*ckwits who screw their lives withmisperceptions!

jon a s k s

do you think all of occult and esoteric literature tobebullsh*t?

i think thereʼs some good in them it's just that theyʼre so imbibed in bullsh*t that maybe they're just not worth lookinginto

well actually i think theyʼre worth it but there's other sources more clear on the matter without all the religiousjargon

iʼm sorting through it but itʼs pretty easy to tell what is sh*t and what isnʼt now


r e p l y

thatʼs a good post with intelligent questions!

“theyʼre so imbibed in bullsh*t that maybe they're just not worth looking into”

thatʼs right

johann goethe again

“we do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds—our planet is the mental institution of the universe”

occult is sorta “normalized” bullsh*t and a toxic waste of time and is where sepehr seems to have moved perhaps notsorecently

the esoteric is the product of brains toofragmented tomake sense ofanything

before i ever got into zen, i had become familiar with valentinus and gnosticism, but really valentinus who is the most coherent of the gnostics is still too “dogenlike” just alittlebit ʻsomethingmissingʼ though able to offer insights

the gospel of thomas stands head and shoulders above the other gnosticbullsh*t

the big problem is there is so much material avaliable on the net, why waste you time working out that esoteric is confused nonsense when you can read goethe, anna akhmatova, osip mandelstam and the 7thzenpatriarch

i am glad zakaj and sepehr have both got some sort of message about where they stand and how different their approach is and finally shutup!

yeah i think you have to look at everything otherwise you make mistakes, personally i have spent quite a bit of time on gnosticism and now mani thanks to sepehr and really you are seeing the detail of what is a complete waste of time (with the exception of the gospel ofthomas)

on redditzen they donʼt look outside zen into christian mysticism and sufi so they think zen is a ‘beall andendall’ and not merely a quality equivalent of a problem that has taxed the best minds overtheages..

so actually i think thatʼs where sepehr and zakaj are at, got too immersed in rubbish and they have to withdraw and turn out of that and its quite weird really, i was looking back at some earlier posts ofthem and they were making a lot more sense, so what i have figured is they have both deliberately tunred aside so they can proxy into these various nonsenses to avoid the change that comes to oneself with true self-enquiry

well they are welcome to do that but so far have seemed to want to burden me and my time with their requirements to be entertained and give meaning aswell!

i think the goethe quote says it all and the trap is one can get caught in some sort of therapeutic role to the pyschward inmates and also in an intellectual sorting ofesotericjunk! :o)(

if you deal with me, you are going to be written about, i write, what do you expect?!

if you deal with me, you are going to be written about, i write, what do you expect

common existances come into being, flicker, have some sort of intensity and then fade and disappear forever . ̱ ͟ all life islikethis!

common existances come into being, flicker, have some sort of intensity and then fade and disappear forever . ̱ ͟ all life islikethis

real life prophets” are scarce on the ground but mani and lafayette ron hubbard fit the bill

they seem to come from an extreme semantic pragmatic disorder space and really from a “spiritual” viewpoint are of no or anti-interest except as an example /toillustrate the insanity oftheworld!

sepehr, your interest in mani comes from your also being in that space, god help you!:o(

xyz, you may have hurt me, but you are such a disaster area to yourself, whatcanisay?

anything you care for is going to be similarly murdered!

our brain predisposes us for everything that happens, failure, success, sometimes disaster afterdisaster! :o(

xyz, you may have hurt me, but you are such a disaster area to yourself, whatcanisay?

anything you care for is going to be similarly murdered!

where do people go wrong inzen?

i think its because they donʼt understand the need for continual rapid progress, for which literally “divine help” is needed and fix their sights on some supposedly high plateau that once they get to, they can then rest in its benign environ, an inconsistent illusion atbest..

the food offends the fledglings beak

johann goethe

“your SO has suffered a traumatic brain injury, their personality ischanged

at what point do you say this isn't the person i fell in love with and break up withthem?”

when it becomes apparent they are too different and things are not going to improve

my new reddit lifepro tip, my previous one got rejected because a moderator didnʼt understand it, whatisaid was to find something, stop looking for it and wait until you accidently comeacrossit!:o)

use a red led headlamp for afterbedtimedark

it doesnʼt disrupt the circadian rhythm because the brain sees red light as dark interms ofthecircadianrhythm

great for insomnia and working late aswell!

also the problem with programs like f.lux is getting screens with enough only red which tends to also make the screens unreadable, it doesnʼt take much white or blue light to trigger thebrainresponse!

f.lux has a darkroom mode which looks better

i almost totally avoid using the computer or any screen after a certain time atnight!

if i have to use white light late at night or in the early morning hours it doesn't take long tofeel really “jangled” byit

i have noticed lots of subtle dishonesties with bradwarner andthepeople on his blog are bad news toxicidiots!

its the people that are drawn to him that are the most offputting..!

he's working hard andforwhat?

i can relate tothat!

all the same it is depressing reading!:o(

years ago i bought a model 6.4 solarmeter i use it daily!:o)

midsummer the reading here can go as high as 100iu per minute with the right clouds, which is pretty high byanystandard!

what i found is that the uv is almost entirely dependent on the sun angle and clouds when acting as reflectors give up to a20%boost!!

the uv index is a pretty good indicator of the strength of the uv rays of interest, i favour short exposures ofstrongrays!

people seem to develop possibly permanent gut problems with soil based organisms asaprobiotic

i have no direct experience with them, but made observations from being on health message boards for many years and seeing people talk about usingthem

quite a few years ago it was all the rage, but it fizzled and what i noticed was those who found benefit were those with the severest issues, but they got some benefit but never moved beyond that, stillmired inchronicproblems!

i think there is some research on some of those organisms being problematic, have a look and let me know if you find anything!

people seem to develop possibilty permanent gut problems with soil based probiotics!

people seem to develop possibilty permanent gut problems with soil based probiotics

muju scores a hit onewk!

now why was ewk so sensitive?

this is like commenting on a football game, muju made a move that hit ewk real hard judging byewkʼsresponse!

basically it showed up ewkʼs approach to zen which is to create some scriptural based analogue of zen like christianity does.. its what he knows i guess and despite his endless posting he still is clueless about how real life zen works

essentially zen is all about infinities transmission which may or may not include the written andvisual..

but scriptures regardless of their original authenticity get degenerated by the “pointing” morons..guffawing and gaggling fools remain creepy monsters in the pond contaminating any reflection of the moon in its brown excrement laden waters..

its so fundamental, the jaw and tooth isnʼtit?

designed to rip something apart

why do we complain when life does the same tous?

you think you




sewn up










you think you




sewn up









you think you




sewn up







you think you




sewn up






yes, i was just thinking asusual!

you think you




sewn up






you think you




sewn up






april the 23rd is the four hundredth anniversary of william shakespeareʼs death, next time (the 10th ofjuly 2115) it will be the five hundredth anniversary of sir henry nevilleʼs death!

i wonder if london will beunderwater?

the lef “sea-iodine” is a kelp/seaweed product and these have issues with arsenic and indigestiblepolysaccharides!

also iodine needs to be considered in relation to your selenium intake

i supplement selenium and have on occasion have taken very large amounts of iodine that simply made me sleepy, so i thinks selenium has aprotectiveeffect!

the best way to supplement iodine imo is to put a povidine iodine on the toes (betadine sore throat gargle in this case !), this might sound a bit absurd, but the reasoning is the toes are as far from the thyroid as you can get on the body, so the thyroid gets the last call on the iodine.. which in my case is what i want, i get migraine and iodine used in this way helps!

someone i know puts iodine tincture on the gums which works well for her, maybe the tincture iodine goes straight to the thyroid with the site of application being so close toit?

in the end one has to figure what zen is about and how it fits in the scheme of things so that one doesnʼt get blinkered as to any over-sufficiency ithas!

so what is zen?

its a rich and sometimes authentic celibate historical mystical tradition

so it fits alongside christian and islamic/sufi mysticism and literary writing andpoetry..

its one thing, its useful but not a be all andendall..


the pantheon, fascinatingly advanced concrete construction in120ad!


the results of the study suggest that loss of iodine through profuse sweating may lead to iodine deficiency, and loss of electrolytes through sweating may have a dietary significance for heat-stressed individuals or for individuals who perform heavy workloads

we lose a lot of iodine in sweat

if you are iodine deficient then you won't sweat much, its a symptom

high iodine levels will increase sweating

jason writes

i had some chocolate with espresso beans at daveʼs house and i was wired fortherest oftheday

slick, though no doubt a very common scam, he took the real gold chain back with his left hand and into his left pocket, but gave a fake chain back again tooquickly withtherighthand

the pawn shop owner didnʼt pick that, but i think the replaced chain must have looked at bit different because his suspicions werearoused!

i was thinking that the really heavy duty work of zen is three orfourhours aday ofsolitude/shikantanza

thatʼs what sorts the sheep fromthegoats!

its just not doing anything, no internet, but walking around, enjoying the night sky and fields etc, inever actually sit lotus or whatever, too tough on the joints and requires a yoga like level ofattention!

why donʼt you post on /r/zen anymore man?

the problem is that i was getting at least several downvotes each time iposted

my karma count isfragile!

if you have several people that want you gone on a forum you just canʼtpost!

ewk only survives because of his huge initial karma, but it is slowly getting whittled down!

maybe he loses 500 a year on balance, lol he has a few years left and actually i think heishealthy forthesubreddit?

the thing about reddit is it appears to be uncensored, but thatʼs not the reality, the reality is it is and censored environments are always going to try toeliminateme!?

the censorship doesnʼt have to come from the mods atall!

why are you here?

to enforce some personal ideology which as far as i can see is some form of borderlinepersonality disorder?

i am asked

a) what supplements can you use to prevent mobilization of metals in the body, if you have mercury dental amalgam or even if not? You mentioned some that we should not take because it can cause mobilization. What are all those? I think you said MSM + ALA are 2 examples but curious on other ones toavoid

NAC is another to avoid, maybe very small quantities of MSM are ok, but NAC is completely out!

b) do you know supplements that help grow hair for men? everyone says biotin but that doesn't seen to work because of its water solubility. other dht-blocking drugs like finasteride are there to block theenzymeconversion

finasteride side effects are illustrative of this problem being too hard to solve at this state ofthescience!

e)..welive in a confusing time of what info is good andnot

time, experience, research and trying things out is the only way, humans are so full ofbullsh*t!

the supplement world is crazy, you have tobecareful!

“nobody can beat joshu, because joshu is f*cking d-e-a-d”

when you get enlightened you will have a different view of true zen masters anddeath!

basically in the zen pantheon he stands almost alone in authenticity and understanding!

r/zen is basically a paradigm of buji versus religious zen though to be honest i think most of the “religious” camp are a sort of “fauxreligious”

the basic problem is the lack of real life zen experience that leaves the posters at sea as to how zen really works and has always worked which is highly authoritarian with a master “whoknows" versus the rest oftheworld

the reality of there being any such master who knows is exceedingly rare, once in a generation perhaps and in all the centuries of zen records there are only a few masters whoknow

the rest is pretence and that of course is the way of theworld...

why people choose to waste their time in this way i do not know, but the zen records attest to the endless many whodothis..

a monk declaimed to joshu

its best to ask a question withoutusingwords

joshu replied

that sounds like the realdeal

the monk said

ask me a question then

joshu replied

i'm not aware ofdoingotherwise

a dewdrop bright ontheclothesline

with the light ofthemoon

it looks like astar

but its not!

a dewdrop bright on the clothesline with the light ofthemoon

it looks like astar

but its not!

a dewdrop bright on the clothesline with the light ofthemoon

it looks like astar

but its not

so many requests always from a lover, none when they fall outoflove

jason posted some photographs and videos of the farm he is staying at with some very healthy looking freerange piglets!

it seemed quite isolated and quiet and i thought how much better than a zen center it looked thenithought the answer is in the pigs, zen centers are vegetarian and raising animals for slaughter is an anathema, but the vegetarian diet keeps their brains andhealth screwed!

weather gifsasperatustenerife

at least one person is consistently downvoting me on the supplements subreddit, they want to ruin the subreddit for others, remove any useful information so everyone is in the same toxic boat asthem!

persecuting downvoting has cowardice written all over it, if they had any guts why donʼt theypost?

its information processing that brings improved supplementation, not trying to enforce somedumbideology!

one of the problems with translations is you are not speaking directly to the author, but rather through an intermediary so the real voice of the author can pass rightbyyou!

that is, to really ‘get’ a poet in another language, you sort of have to be there before the poem sotospeak, so you somewhat already know the fit ofthepoem

then when you read the poem you are coming from your own andtheauthors ‘interior’vision!

this has happened recently to me with annaakmatovaʼs poems , its like a light switch, suddenly iam consonant or identical with her interiorspace and shemakes alotmoresense..

its exactly the same with zen, ‘enlightenment’ isthatconsonance orbeingthere ininteriorvision beforethetranslation sothat youcansee theproblems with thetranslations

these stupid arseholes who treat the translation as some sort of sacred ground that cannot be touched are worse thandespicable..

we lose a lot of iodine insweat

if you are very iodine deficient then you won't sweat much, its asymptom

high iodine levels will increase sweating

roadkill will stay fresher longer if there's no internal breakage ofthegut

how stiff the carcass is, is an indicator, fresh is quite floppy, but a carcass that has been stiff foronly alittlewhile isok

with your rude, aggressive, condescending attitude. you should be banned from the sub, all you do is rant and whinge when people downvote you

how do you think your reply comesacross!?

why not speak to the content of what i write, successful supplementation is the result of a lot of hard work and researching, not the provenance of princesses who get their noses put out of joint without their even knowing why!

  pending poems 141  (2024)
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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Author information

Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

Phone: +2456904400762

Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.