Home Office Diffuser Recipes (2025)

My new diffuser was the first thing I used when I received my Young Living Premium Starter Kit. I diffused a few drops of Lavender Essential Oil and thoroughly enjoyed it. But it wasn't until I started creating home office diffuser recipes that I decided I couldn't work (or live) without my oils and my diffuser! And today I'm sharing 8 of my favorite home office diffuser recipes with you!

Home Office Diffuser Recipes (1)

I use my home office diffuser recipes for different reasons. One day I might need a little extra energy or focus. Or I might be having a hard time concentrating. Or I may need extra support because I'm on a tight deadline and feeling added stress. You'll see one or more of those struggles or benefits listed in the title of each recipe.

Home Office Diffuser Recipes (2)

My Favorite Home Office Diffuser Recipes

A quick note before we jump into the recipes: I only use pure, therapeutic essential oils. After lots of research, I decided to purchase my essential oils from Young Living, because of their Seed to Seal commitment to quality. I know that when I purchase from Young Living I'm getting products that are free of harmful synthetics and of the highest purity. Another thing that drew me to Young Living is that they own their farms, so they control the essential oil creation process from start to finish (or seed to seal)! For more information about Young Living's Seed to Seal commitment, visit their Seed to Seal website.

Here are four of my top favorite home office diffuser recipes, but you'll find all 8 on the printable below!

Join the 10 Day Chemical Freedom Challenge

Hit That Deadline

Home Office Diffuser Recipes (3)

I experience many interruptions when I'm working from home: kids with questions, pets with immediate needs, phone calls, social media and email notifications, etc.

Interruptions often mean I'm close to missing my deadlines and that creates added stress. So I give my brain a little extra support with this home office diffuser recipe that helps me relax and focus, so I can hit that deadline!

Hit That Deadline:

  • 3 drops Stress Away
  • 3 drops Peppermint

Another thing I love about this home office diffuser recipe is that the oils needed are available in the Young Living Premium Starter Kit, which is the easiest and most cost-efficient way to get started with essential oils! For more information click here, or get your very own Premium Starter Kit here.

I also keep a few essential oils in my Mobile Office, so that I can experience the benefits of aromatherapy on the go! You can learn more about my mobile office, how to set up one up, and how to use it to get more done here.

Home Office Diffuser Recipes (4)


Home Office Diffuser Recipes (5)

This is my all-time favorite home office diffuser recipe. I use it almost every morning, and I now associate it with getting down to business and getting those to-do's done!


  • 3 drops of Citrus Fresh
  • 2 drops of Lemongrass (One of my all-time favorite essential oils!)

Whenever I'm painting in our home, like most recently when I made over our hall closet, I add a couple of cotton balls with a drop of Lemongrass or Purification to the area to tone down the smell of the paint. Works like a charm!

Memory Support

Home Office Diffuser Recipes (6)

This is another one of my faves! I feel like I get more done when it's diffusing, and Lemon and Rosemary are two oils that I really like. You'll receive a bottle of Lemon essential oil in your Premium Starter Kit, too!

  • 2 drops Lavender
  • 2 drops Lemon
  • 1 drop Rosemary
  • 1 drop of Cinammon Bark

I use Lavender for so many different things! I love it in my diffuser, but I also love it in this recipe for a DIY All-Purpose Cleaning Spray {That You Can Make in a Flash}!

It's Gonna Be a Good Day

Home Office Diffuser Recipes (7)

I love to start my day off with this home office diffuser recipe. It kicks my day off right and sets me up for success throughout the whole day by getting my thoughts in a positive, happy place!

It's Gonna Be a Good Day

  • 3 drops Rosemary
  • 3 drops Grapefruit
  • 1 drop Peppermint

*If you love the scent of Grapefruit, be sure to check out my recipe for a DIY Lavender-Grapefruit Lip Scrub!

Even more Home Office Diffuser Recipes

To give you even more options, amazing healthy scents, and system support when you're working in your home office, here's a printable with 8 of my top Home Office Diffuser Recipes, including those listed above!

Home Office Diffuser Recipes (8)

Grab your Home Office Diffuser Recipes Printable HERE!

And since we're talking printables, here are two more to help you rock your home office work time! #BonusBaby

Home Office Diffuser Recipes (9)

6 Ways My Timer Saves My Sanity and (a FREE Printable)

Home Office Diffuser Recipes (10)

An Amazingly Simple Planning Tool

I hope you'll give these home office diffuser recipes a try and experience the added support that essential oils can offer in your home office during the work day!

Although, I sang the praises of home office diffuser recipes in this post, we have diffusers all over our home and use them on a daily basis. So, don't limit yourself to just experiencing these incredible benefits in your office! 🙂

Learn More About Young Living Essential Oils

Interested in getting started with Young Living Essential Oils? Or maybe you'd like to learn more?


Get your very own Premium Starter Kit here!

If you'd like more information about why we decided to use essential oils in our home as well as get more details on the Premium Starter Kit, click here.

Hey, I’m Tiffany! When I’m not regaling you with tales of my crafty adventures (and misadventures), I’m hanging out over at The House Down the Lane sharing all things DIY, home decor, organization, and family! Pop on by and see if you find something you like. You can also find me on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram.

Thanks for hanging out with me today here at The Melrose Family!
Home Office Diffuser Recipes (11)

Home Office Diffuser Recipes (2025)


What essential oil is suitable for office? ›

For Focus: The finest essential oils for concentration are those that contain citrus (like lemon), herbaceous (like basil and rosemary), or root or resin (like vetiver and frankincense).

What are the best oils to diffuse at work? ›

Examples include: Turmeric, Clary Sage, Sandalwood, Melissa Leaf, Ylang Ylang, Frankincense, Cedarwood, and Patchouli Essential Oils. Essential Oils with mentally clarifying effects are ideal for coping with distractions to better concentrate on work tasks.

Can I have a diffuser in my office? ›

By incorporating an essential oil diffuser into your office space, you can create a more inviting and productive work environment. Remember to choose high-quality oils, select a suitable diffuser, and practice moderation when using aromatherapy at work.

What is the best scent for an office? ›

Ambient scenting can greatly enhance any office setting. Lemon and citrus fragrances promote a sense of cleanliness, and are known to boost cognitive function, while warm, spicy scents, such as vanilla and cinnamon, stimulate both “dwell time” in retail stores and an increase in customer purchases.

What is the best smelling essential oil to diffuse? ›

What are the Best Smelling Essential Oil Blends?
  • Lavender, Ylang-Ylang and Orange: a soothing citrus mix.
  • Orange, Eucalyptus, Lemongrass, Peppermint and Cardamom: an uplifting, energising, motivating combination (Motivate Pure Essential Oil Blend).
  • Ylang-Ylang and Geranium: a floral springtime scent.
Jun 5, 2024

What oils should you not diffuse? ›

Care should be taken with the following essential oils as they can be very irritating to the eyes, nose and throat: basil, Ceylon cinnamon, tarragon, wintergreen, clove, helichrysum, peppermint, compact oregano, mountain savory and thyme with thymol.

What are the top 3 best essential oils? ›

So let's get right to it!
  • Top Essential Oil #1: Lavender Oil.
  • Top Essential Oil #2: Tea Tree Oil.
  • Top Essential Oil #3: Peppermint Oil.

What is the best essential oil to diffuse to purify air? ›

Some of the best essential oils for cleaning the air include Tea Tree oil, Lemon oil, Eucalyptus oil, and Peppermint oil. These oils are all known for their ability to kill bacteria and germs, as well as their refreshing scents.

How many drops of essential oil do I put in my diffuser? ›

You will need 6 to 10 drops for a 200 ml size fragrance diffuser, 9 to 12 drops for a 300 ml capacity, 12 to 15 drops for a 400 ml capacity, and 15 to 20 drops for a 500 ml capacity. As you become accustomed to the new fragrance, you may adjust the number of essential oil drops to reach the desired scent effect.

What oil should I put in my diffuser? ›

The Top Essential Oils for Diffusers: A Comprehensive Guide
  • Calming and relaxing: lavender, ylang-ylang, jasmine, frankincense, sandalwood.
  • Invigorating and energizing: peppermint.
  • Refreshing: eucalyptus, lemon, tea tree, mandarin.
  • Improving memory and cognitive function: rosemary.

What not to do with a diffuser? ›

So it is best not to place the diffuser in an area is close to any surface above it. We have seen damage on mirrors, paintings, cabinets and towel holders from the placement of oil dispensers.

Where should you not put a diffuser? ›

Don't Place Near Doors or Windows

So, when deciding what part of the room to place your diffuser, it's best if you don't put it near any doors or windows. If you do, the fragrance will move into the different rooms, or outside, leaving a weak scent, or no scent at all!

What can you put in a room diffuser? ›

Pour sweet almond oil or safflower oil in 1/2 cup increments into the ceramic or glass vase. Add 30 - 50 drops of essential oils per 1/2 cup of base oil. Remember: Some essential oils can be harmful to pets, so do your research before you add them. Give the vase a good shake or stir to mix oils.

Can I use essential oils at work? ›

You should check with your supervisor and co-workers before diffusing essential oils in the office, and make sure you're diffusing in a well-ventilated space.

What are the best essential oils to make room smell good? ›

Use a diffuser or a room spray. Rose, geranium, orange, and lavender are pleasing, uplifting essential oils. For an intimate atmosphere, use sandalwood, or patchouli. For unwinding choose geranium, lavender, sandalwood or ylang ylang.

What essential oil is good for air quality? ›

A few of her favorites include Peppermint, Lavender, and Lemon. “These are cleansing oils, and can be diffused in your home to help cleanse the air, and promote clear breathing and healthy respiratory functions,” she explains. Eucalyptus supports the respiratory system, and helps to maintain clear airways.

What essential oils are best for scent work? ›

The National Association of Canine Nose Work (NACSW) uses Birch oil, Anise oil, and Clove oil. Some Canadian organizations use Wintergreen oil.

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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.