Guide for Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition - Chapter 5 (2024)

Chapter 5 - Nameless Isle

Head south towards the boat you can take to the beach and Almira will approach you. Ask for the tablet back and take the lifeboat to the mainland. Head East to find The Beach waypoint (x:106 y:820) and continue on as the path banks Northeast - there you will find Delorus (x:165 y:865) assuming you saved him in Fort Joy. From there continue East, and you'll see a large battle just to the south (x:196 y:826) between the Black Ring and Magisters. Choose to side with the Magisters for this fight and afterwards - if you have Fane's shapeshifter mask - become human if you aren't. You can interact with the altar to Rhalic in the middle of the fight (if you are not human you will become permanently blinded).

Afterwards head Northeast to find a blockade of black rings and another fight (x:242 y:872). After the fight you can see some shriekers to the East up the hill - you will have to go halfway down the hill. On the east side there are some trunks to walk and and you will find some vines (x:260 y:889) to climb up behind the shriekers to then use source vampirism on. After, head South and jump across the broken bridge to find two wolves around a gem (x:276 y:823). Head East to find the Lunar Gateway waypoint, then return to the wolves and kill them. Pick up the gem with a character with the scholar tag to be transported into a pocket plane - next to the Impish Pocket Realm waypoint. Now the really annoying thing about this place is you will be constantly Slow-ed, - but head North to find the first area where you will need to activate the 4 pressure plates. Do this with your party, or you can move/teleport the crates onto the plates to open the way forward as the picture shows:

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READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING: In the next section literally one misstep could spell demise for your party. Do NOT step on the pressure plates as they will shoot fire everywhere, and do NOT - under any circ*mstances - interact with the emergency flush protocol otherwise it will flood the room with deathfog and lava effectively killing your party. What you want to do is follow the path and lockpick the door (x:146 y:526) to the North of the circle of poison area. Inside will be a hyperdrive protocol so spin the wheel and the slow will turn to haste! Head back to the waypoint and teleport yourself to the pipes to the east. Follow it all the way along, but before you go down the ladder, start sneaking and then just teleport yourself over that way. Now you need to reach the core before the end of your turn, otherwise it unleashes a deathfog that will kill your party - undead included - but once you do interact with it, it'll shut down and the place will be safe. Interact with the Altar of Xantezza just beside the core and either renounce your god, or have it come forth. Neither have real repercussions anyway. You're done here so head back the the Lunar Gate waypoint.

Head back to where the gem was and jump back north to find the elven temple - enter it and keep to the West side. You will come across the Temple of Tir-Cendelius waypoint (x:262 y:922) and just north of that you will find the Altar of Tir-Cendelius (x:269 y:941) where you will just need to feed it some of yourself (you lose hp but regain it anyways since you are out of combat). You can also kill the last tiger there for some exp. Follow the path North and you will come across Alexander and Gareth speaking. Choose to fight Alexander for the best exp and then talk to Gareth for a nice reward. After the fight be sure to grab Alexander's head then go Southwest. An elf will ask you to talk to the mother tree. Head up the vines right behind her and use the heart (x:288 y:930) to be transported to the tree. While up there kill the scion and her dryads then exit out of the heart area.

Head back West to where the altar was and kick down the vines. Exit out west until you can head North down to the beach. From there go East to find a Cave (x:247 y:966) to enter. Inside, head forward and you'll see some automatons around a pedestal with a sword on it. Attack the Automatons from the high ground for an advantage, then go down and loot the sword and head out of the cave. Head west to find another black ring camp (x:160 y:962), where you will want to persuade the black ring portalmaster to stop using his magic. Slaughter the entire camp, which will open up the way to a nearby altar, then head south and West down some stairs as the water recedes. You can kill the crocodile here, then head through the door.

You'll want to split up your highest Wits member and head all the way North with them. Jump to the platform with a corpse and loot the body for a key, then head East where there will be a room with massive trap. You want to make your way to the altar on the east side of the room (x:401 y:403) and interact with it, giving away your vigor and having your character cursed - but just cast bless afterwards to have it go away. Head North now and you can find a lever (x:359 y:433). To the west you can use the key to have a door appear to the north so head through for some exploration exp.

Travel to the Beach Waypoint and from there head South and when you see a broken bridge over lava (x:117 y:793) teleport yourself south over the broken bridges and lava to find Temple of Amadia waypoint (x:107 y:737). Climb up the vines next to the waypoint until you appear in a new map. Head North and teleport yourself to the next island over and activate the rune, then activate the east rune and finally the west one to open a portal to jump through. Now teleport a person to the island just north and then head south to activate the 3 runes and free the Knight of Amadia. Tell her there is nothing to fear and accept her gift, then follow her to the altar and interact with it for some exp - then you can kill her.

Return to the entrance and interact with the door, putting the gem in the slot to open it and find some goodies, then return to the waypoint. Continue following the pathway teleporting yourself, and once you hit the southeast spot teleport yourself down across the lava once again (x:153 y:707). Then head east and you will come across a secret cave entrance (x:181 y:685) - enter to get some exp before continuing on Eastwards to find the altar to Zorl-Stissa (x:200 y:681). Interact with it to end up burning so cast bless on yourself again.

Continue East to find the Shadow Prince who will ask you to put a device in the heart of the mother tree. Take a detour back to the elven temple and interact with the heart - where you fought the scion - to put the device in and return to the Shadow Prince to let him know. Make a save here. Afterwards, keep heading East, teleporting your party through the various little islands in the lava until you cannot teleport onto any more platforms eastward (x:352 y:695) and you should be able to climb up a vine. If you have 15 wits you should find a dirt pile you can dig up (x:377 y:693), then use the hole to find the secret door to the academy. If you try to enter the academy you need your party members to approve of it either by persuasion, or if you have sort of romanced them and gained favor that's another way. Once you do you will unlock:

  • Chosen

    Convinced all party members to let you ascend

    Guide for Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition - Chapter 5 (2)

    Guide for Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition - Chapter 5 (3)Guide for Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition - Chapter 5 (4)Guide for Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition - Chapter 5 (5)Guide for Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition - Chapter 5 (6)

And finally enter through the door to unlock both:

  • Back to School

    Entered the Academy

    Guide for Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition - Chapter 5 (7)

    Guide for Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition - Chapter 5 (8)Guide for Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition - Chapter 5 (9)Guide for Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition - Chapter 5 (10)

  • Serious Academic

    Discovered the hidden entrance to the Academy

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Reload and go North about halfway back to where we started and you'll find a black ring camp where you can buy your ultimate spells. You can also fight with them (x:236 y:766) - be sure to loot all the bodies. Then head East where you'll find the Door to the Dwarven Temple (x:323 y:748) to enter. Throughout this area are clay protectors that you cannot target or fight, but they will whack you unless you are a dwarf - so if you aren't, utilize teleport or the teleporting pyramids, but follow the linear path through the area and you'll come across a cursed knight to kill. Just focus him as all of the granite protectors will fall when he does. Use spirit vision and consume the spirit of the knight and then interact with the altar before exiting the area.

Teleport yourself West across the way and head Northeast to find the Watcher. Speak with her and tell her you have released the cursed spirit then you can kill her. Head North to find the Temple of Rhalic waypoint (x:236 y:799), and just to the East of the waypoint is a troll you can kill (you can cheese this by teleporting it to the lava ravine to the south!). Enter the cave he was guarding and interact with the altar. Put Alexander's head on the altar to open the way forward. Keep heading down to find the Sallow Man, give him Alexander's head and then choose to kill the godwoken. Realistically you just want to reposition yourself and kill him and his henchmen. After the fight, loot the enemies for a key and head to the south of the room and go through the door (x:85 y:221) where you'll find Windego to kill once again. Then head East to the war room and inside a chest (x:125 y:204) you will find the Haft of the Swornbreaker that you can grab. Teleport to the Lunar Gate waypoint and head East where you will find a bunch of pillars associated with one of the seven and you need to make them as following (Half diamond is moon, full diamond is sun and I go from the most Northeastern pillar counter clockwise)

  • Imp - Moon
  • Elf - Moon
  • Orc - Sun
  • Human - Sun
  • Wizard - Moon
  • Dwarf - Moon
  • Lizard - Sun

After they are all aligned, outside the Door to the academy (x:347 y:822) on the east side is a conductor and a lever. Hit the lever with an electric spell or put a phase capacitor on it and hit the lever to open the way forward through the door. Head forward to find a Voidwoken who will speak to you and IF YOU ARE FANE MAKE A SAVE and agree to rejoin the covenant to unlock:

  • The Promise

    Swore to the Covenant

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Reload your save, and just attack the voidwoken. After going through the door to find the Academy of the Seven waypoint, lockpick the door to the west and go in to get some exploration exp. Head East to find the teachers hall. Note that if you want more exploration exp, go back outside and take the hidden entrance in the lava pits into the academy since it leads back to the teachers' hall. Inside this room use spirit vision and there will be spirits that you can talk to gain attributes at the sacrifice of another - note that only one character can do this, so choose wisely if you do.

  • Authority Master : +5 Memory -5 Strength
  • Intelligence Master : +5 Intelligence -5 Finesse
  • Wits Master : +5 Wits -5 Constitution
  • Finesse Master : +5 Finesse -5 Memory
  • Constitution Master : +5 Constitution -5 Intelligence
  • Strength Master : +5 Strength -5 Wits

Enter through the door to the south in this room and head through the portal. Head forward and use spirit vision and talk with the arena master before moving forward through the door to fight with some automatons and the massive guardian. Once you have completed the fight you will unlock:

  • The One

    Became The One arena champion

    Guide for Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition - Chapter 5 (20)

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Make sure to loot the great guardian after the fight to get the Swornbreaker blade - then you can combine the Haft, The Blade and the Ancient tablet unlocking

  • At the Cutting Edge

    Crafted the Swornbreaker

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Return to the Arena master and speak with him for a reward, then return to the Lady Vengeance to give Almira the Swornbreaker. Return to the Academy of the Seven waypoint. Just to the North of here is a Seneschal that you can interact with and put a phase capacitor in to boot it up. He will teach you some backstory as well as be a book merchant for you. Afterwards, head into the room to the East and use spirit vision to see a bunch of spirits walking around. Find and speak with the the spirit of Taryan Graye to gain a quest then step on the foot pedal (x:606 Y:678), then press a button on the wall (x:620 y:684), followed by interacting with an Unusual Tablet (x:620 y:667) and finally hitting the lever to the East of the northern door. Go through the door and use spirit vision to see the spirit of Raedalus and tell him where Taryan is. Return to them and speak with Raedalus for your reward.

Return to the teachers hall through the south door and on the east side of the table is an Ancient Conductor (x:618 y:640). Place a phase capacitor on it (if you don't have one, there's tons in the academy to loot) and a beam will shoot out of a nearby pillar. Just follow the beam, redirecting the first reflector North, the second reflector West, the third reflector North and then head North from the third Reflector. Either place a phase capacitor on the ground conductors or use an electric ability to hit the lever for the barrier to come down.

If you want to do some last minute shopping or whatever may be, do it now because it's the point of no return for this chapter. Otherwise head through the downed barrier and speak to the eternal arbiter and tell it you are ready to be entered into combat. The point of this combat is to not let the other Godwoken escape, so slaughter them all. Do NOT use any source points in this fight as you will need them going forward. After you've dealt with the Godwoken, head forward to fight 2 automatons, then head forward to interact with the Wellspring where things won't go quite according to plan. After it plays out, make sure you grab your pyramids and distribute them accordingly. Head out only to have the Gods representing your characters appear. Refuse to obey the Gods to fight them. Note the lava eruption spots during the fight as if you are on those spots they will result in an instant death for whichever character. After you kill the Gods a Source Titan will appear and after you kill that you will unlock:

  • Deicide

    Killed a God

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After the fight you will still be in combat and have to make it to Malady's Beacon (x:-186 y:984) to end the chapter.

9. Chapter 6 - Arx7. Chapter 4 - Reaper's Coast

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Guide for Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Definitive Edition - Chapter 5 (2024)
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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.